Merits and Precepts
Maulana Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani

The literal meaning of Waqof is to stay. The stay at Arafat for a while from the time after Zuhr (Midday) on the 9th of Zilhijja up to the daybreak (on the 10th) is the basic fundamental of Hajj. It is Wajib to stay at Arafat till sunset of the 9th. It is Mustahab to take a bath before moon but if it is difficult, making an ablution only will also suffice. Being so prepared a pilgrim should go to Masjid-e-Namira. Here the Imam-ul-Muslimin (The leader i.e., ruler of the Muslims) or his vicegerent will deliver the 2nd Khutba of Hajj which is Sunnat, not Wajib. He will then lead the congregation of Zuhr and Asr prayers taking them togather in the time of Zuhr. In this case two Sunnat prayers of Zuhr will be abandoned.

Rule Of Action
On the day of Arafa in Arafat, this combining of Zuhr and Asr prayers togather in the time of Zuhr is Sunnat or Mustahab but this is subject to the condition that you are wearing the Ihram of Hajj and the prayers are performed in the leadership of Imam-
ul-Muslimin or his vicegerent. Firstly Zuhr and then Asr prayers are to be performed separately.

Rule Of Action
A great majority of Sahaba (the Companions of the Holy Prophet) is of the view that like all other prayers in general, in the prayers will be performed by a stationed person. But according to some of the Sahaba, a stationed person also will have to cut short the prayers of this day from four Rak'ats to two Rak'ats as one of the particular practices of Hajj. In the Mosque of Namira, if Zuhr and Asr prayers are led by a stationed Imam and he cuts short the Prayers, according to Jumhor (a great majority of Ulama) such prayers will stand void and its revision will be Wajib. This is a case which is usual now-a-days that a stationed Imam leads the congregation of the prayers while cutting them short in two Rak'ats. Therefore, you should say your prayers with congregation at your own places in tents. Zuhr prayers should be said in the time of Zuhr and Asr prayers in the time of Asr. The condition for combining both the prayers togather in the time of Zuhr is that they are said under the leadership of Imam-ul-Muslimin or his deputy. Since the leader (Imam) in prayers, inspite of his being stationed, cust short the prayers, therefore the prayers of a Hanafi, stationed or traveller, does not stand discharged under his leadership.

Manson Mode Of Waqof-e-Arafat
Proper time of Waqof is from afternoon to sunset. A pilgrim may stay anywhere he likes in the Arafat field but it is preferable to stay near the well known hill of Arafat, Jabalur Rahmat where the Mauqif (the place of stay) of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is situated. If you cannot approach that actual place easily then it is better to reach as near it as possible. But if it is difficult to approach near Jabalur Rahmat or it is very difficult to locate his own tent on return, as is very usual nowadays, the pilgrim should then observe Waqof in his own tent. The real worth wanted in this respect is the tranquility and humiliation of your heart and that can be achieved only when your heart is not attached to your belongings and relatives or companions behind.

Rule Of Action
It is highly preferable to observe Waqof in a standing position facing Ka'ba upto the time of sunset but in case it is difficult, you should try to stand as long as you can and then you may sit and stand again when you regain your rosistence. During this period you should remain busy in humble pronouncement of Talbia, recitation of the Holy Qur'an, Darod Sharif, Istighfar (seeking forgiveness of Allah) and remembrance of Allah. You should implore before Allah for all mundane and heavenly design for yourself, for all your relations, friends and for all Muslim brethren. This is the time when implorations and invocations are responded and very scarcely this opportunity falls to one's lot. On this day you should abstain from even the permissible but unncessary mutual talks. the Whole time should be spent in the remembrance of Allah and invocations before him.

Rule Of Action
In the invocations of Waqof it is Sunnat to raise your hands in praying position but on feeling tired you may pray with your hands let down as usual. It is narrated from the Holy Prophet that the raised his hands and pronounced ( Allah-o-Akbar Wa Lillahil Hamd) three times and thereafter he said this invocation :

"There is nio God but Allah, He is Unique, He hath no partner. The whole universe is for him and for Him is the praise. O Allah! keep me on the guidance and purify me with piety and forgive me in the Hereafter and in this world."

The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) then let his hands dawn for as long a time as can be taken for the recital of Surah Fatiha. Then again he raised his hands and repeated the same words and invocation. Thereafter he again let his hands down for the same time equivalent to the recital of Sura Fatiha, and again for the third time he repeated the same words and invocation with raised hands (Zubda).

The Invocations At The Time Of Waqof
It is a fact that the best invocations are those which are prayed for humbly and earnestly, in whatever language they may be. but on the other hand, it is also a fact that everyone does not know the etiquette and adequacy of invocations. Oh, could we but sacrifice our own selves, our belongings and our parents, for the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) that he taught us invocation beyond our imagination, for our wordly wants and needs, along with our religious designs. These invocations have been compiled by Ulama in regular books. For example, Al-Hizb-ul-A'zam and its extract Munajat-e-Maqbol have been published. They are available everywhere. Translation of prayers may also be available with the texts. There is plenty of time to repeat all the invocations contained in Al-Hizbul-A'zam or Munajat-e-Maqbol. But please note that only repeating an invocation is not the aim. The aim is to pray to Allah. As such, the persons not conversant with Arabic language should better pray to Allah after having the words of translation fully understood. In case it is not possible, Please read it as it is. It is hoped that mere reading of the invocations will also attract Allah's approval. Alongwith these invocations, whatever needs you know about yourself, your family members, your friends and Muslims in general, you may pray to Allah for them also, in your own language. Some invocations are to follow further in this very book. At least these invocations should continue to be repeated upto the time the sunsets. It is Makroh to delay after sunset.

The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, "The best invocation on the day of Arafa, and the best of all the invocations I ever offered or other holy Prophets before me ever offered is :

"There is no god but Allah : He is Unique ; He hath no partner, the whole universe is for Him and for Him is the praise, and He hath power over all things."

It is a brief invocation. It should be repeated again and again. But the time is abundant and opportunity is in hand. It should be availed of for praying to Allah imploringly for all your mndane and heavenly desires in your own language as well. These invocations should include all your relations, friends, connexions and all Muslims. For all our mundane and heavenly designs no one can suggest more adequate and more comprehensive invocations than those taught by the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him). These invocations have been compiled by Ulama in some of the books. Mulla Ali Qari has collected these invocations in his Hizbul-A'zam; an extract of which has been compiled by Maulana Thanvi in his Munajat-e-Maqbol. these invocations, if heartfelt and pronounced with attentive mind, will attract all your mundane rewards as well as heavenly betterment. However, out of all these invocations, hereunder we give some selected comprehensive invocations for those who cannot manage to repeat all. At least they should be prayed for humbly and earnestly with their meaning thoroughly understood. The invocations are :

"O Allah ! I have done much wrong to myself and none can forgive my sins except Thou, so forgive me with Thy special forgiveness and have mercy on me, no doubt Thou art Oft-forgiving, All Merciful. O Allah! grant me forgiveness by which Thou may improve my affairs in both the worlds and turn unto me with Thy approval to the penitence of mine which I may never violate. Make me steadfast on the path of uprightness wherefrom I never go astray. O Allah! turn me from the baseness of disobedience to the esteem of obedience."

Rule Of Action
A person who gets out of the precincts of Arafat before sunset, he is bound to return and leave Arafat after sunset ; otherwise he will fall under the obligation of Dam i.e., an offering of animal's sacrifice.

Rule Of Action
If a person, through an excuse, cannot have a chance of Waqof in Arafat on the 9th Zilhijja from afternoon upto the sunset, he is allowed to observe Waqof after the sunset on the night of the 10th Zilhijja before daybreak. The obligation will thus stand discharged (Manasik of Mulla Ali).

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