Well this page is here for the sake of being here...

" I owe much, I have nothing, the rest I leave to the poor "
                                                         -Francois Rebelais-

" I think my income is cheating on me, I never see it anymore "
                                                         -Jason Kute-

" There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line "
                                                         -Oscar Levant-

" Boyfriends should be like kleenex; soft, strong and disposable "
                                                         -Mrs. White-

" Terrorist are resourceful - they are always looking for new ways to harm our country and our people. And so are we "
                                                         -George W. Bush-

" I've never been an intellectual but I have this look "
                                                         -Woody Allen-

" Clothes make a man. Naked people have little or no influence in society "
                                                         -Mark Twain-

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