Photographs by a Mark

compiled by _He_

Canon PowerShot A300 is not as powerful
as serious photographers use but it gives me enough power to shot quality images. It's limited features tries to stop me on certain occasion but then its just wonderful to

stretch the boundaries and do what imaginations told me to.

It took me really days to manage images with Proper presentation, without having my Domain and Hosting I can't get it done as I want to so I end up doing this. One Section (Street Stories) is now Published as seen on EPZ but with larger version.

Few of several thousands pictures I took till now, are here to share. Due to little web space you will find small version of these images until my I will get my HUGE size hosting and domain registered.

For viewing my work at  ePHOTOzine

I don't think I want to be a Professional Photographer, Its my hobby and it will have lot of Passion involve in it. According to my point of view, a Professional is one who only do job when get paid to do something, I do to make me and my fellows happy.

About my photography, I think I want to be in photographic world from very long,  glad I finally join after dreaming long.

After knowing my great hesitation in taking a photo in public, I begin to take my camera with me just anywhere. Necessary or not I just keep it ready to capture and overcome my hesitations.

Photography in my city: That's a dark side so far, I don't remember seeing any person with camera on streets. Now when people seeing me and a friend of mine taking pictures of just anything it is a.. sick sight for them I bet. For many brains here, camera is only to take photos of accidents (including wedding lol) for parties.

Special thanks for ePz, This temporary version I design for friends from ePz to share some of my words and works with them. I am learning a lot from you guys, by seeing your work, by asking or just reading from you, and even by bugging you sometimes.

Thank you for dropping your visit here and Good Luck for all



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