PoP Zone

U CaN'T StOp ThE PoP!!!!

Watch Monster Jam Mondays @ 11:00pm Only on TNN!!! We've Got PoP

For PoP donations, please call 1-888-PoP-1090!!! Oh yeah!!!

Oh snap!!! Geoff says vote on my PoP poll!!!

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TnN FaNz
TnN PoP Message Board


__________________________________________________________________________ Updated 10/18/01
*** I JUST GOT BACK FROM MY 112 DAY TNN MARATHON!!! �It must have been the most enlightening experience my life. �I just decided after posting out last update that I love TNN so much I just wouldn't stop watching it. �So for almost FOUR STRAIGHT MONTHS I have watched TNN non stop!. �YESS! �Since my computer is in the barn I couln't update the website. �Basically all my LiVestoCk have diEed from mal-nutrition 'cause i just pLUm forgot about them! But i DONT care�i can steal some more livestock, I consider what i did a sacrafice the the TNN gods (or corporate executives, whom I have only lusted over, but never meT) �Let me eXplain the situiation i was in for the last 112 days. �I sat on my stool infront of my TV for exactly 98.62% of the 112 days. �I got up for one three minute stint evERy eight days(during the CoMmErCiAl BreAKs) during thIs time I stockedpiled my food infront of the TV and went to the actual bathroom, stead to just letting it go... �Boy between TuRkeY Call, TNN's Conspiracy Zone, The WaLtOn's, TNN's PoP Across AmErIcA, Bill Dance OuTDoorz, and Ducks UnLiMiteD i JuSt couldn''t fall asleep either. �I must of ODed on no-doZe pills 25Xs. �But man, I love TNN MORE thAn ever NoW!***
__________________________________________________________________________ Updated 6/29/01
* THRILLZONE FRIDAY ToNiTe on TnN OH YEah!!! MIami Vice @ 8, the PBR Bud Light Cup Series Rodeo from Albuquerque N.M @ 9 and our favorite MONSTER JAM from New Orleans @ 10!!! WHAT A GREAT LINEUP OH SNAP!!! Get out your sugarfree Hawaiian PUnch.
* I'd like to send a special thank you out to all our TnN PoPsterz who support this site and I would like to encourage all of you to recommend this site to your friends. YESS!!!
* Have something to say? Want to express your PoP thoughts or comments? Want to talk about TnN? Visit our TnN PoP Message Board.
* If anyone has any suggestions, pics or video clipz u would like to submit please mail it to [email protected]
* Rollerjam & Rockin Bowl Petitions coming soon. TNN - STAY TUNED __________________________________________________________________________ Updated 6/26/01
* AwEsome & tHE GREen MIst REtURn TO TnN- full story under TnN NEwz
* I Love TnNS "MOvIez ThAt PoP" OH YEAH!!!!
* OlD EcW On TnN PoP Video CliPZ secTiOn addEd tO MuLtiMEdiA _______________________________________________________________________ Updated 6/25/01
* New TnN News Logo added
* New Pic of My old TnN trUck & me added to TnN News
* GoiTEr SLam Clip CoMing Very sOoN ___________________________________________________________________________ Updated 6/24/01
* As of 6/23, you can now reach our site by the url - www.popzone.cjb.net,oh yeah!!! ____________________________________________________________________________ Updated 6/22/01
* COuld that be Geoff Clark holding up a TNN sign on NBC click here for controversial pic
* Thrillzone Friday is tonight oH YEAH!!!!
* "Bloody PEasant" wave added to Audio Clipz
* TnN Hater Conversation Added to Headlines ________________________________________________________________________ Updated 6/20/01 WE NOW HAVE HAD 100 HITS! �YESSSS!
You Tell em Steve Dave!
Updated 6/17/01
* YES POP ZONE AS OF 6/16 is transmitido en espa�ol
Updated 6/16/01
* Oh YEah, that was a great ThRiLLZoNE FrIdAy lineup last night. TNN and sugarfree Hawaiian Punch make a great combination.
* Our Multimedia section is fixed & full of some slammin PoP pics, oh yeaH!!!
* TNN FAn SeCtion Added _________________________________________________________________________ Updated 6/15/01
* YESSS! we're back on ThRiLLZoNe FrIdAy , screw the NBA finals, screw the subway series, TnN has Miami Vice @ 8pm, Rodeo @ 9pm, and MONSTER JAM from LAs Vegas @ 10pm, now that's gOt PoP, OH YEah!!!!!
* Exclusive - 6 NAmes' dropkick on Matt Cox added to multimedia
* BREAKING NEWZ on H, scroll down to Newz ThAt HaS PoP
* oH yeah Headline added _________________________________________________________________________ Updated 6/11/01
*We've gotten permission *cough* to use TNN's offical logo, I hope you enjoy it!!
"How to get TNN" link fixed

**Coming soon a video clip of the brutal Goiter Slam!!**

QuIck PoP UpDaTes

English Boy was sold today on June 10th at approximately 1:30pm to Anonymous for $1.25. The English boy quoted in a conversation today after being asked if he liked his owner, " no, but good enough". More details as they come.
Apparently when taking his school physical, Little Kid was diagnosed as not feeling alright. When the nurse began to contact his parents/legal guardian, he stormed out of the office and now is hiding out in the hallways moving only during interperiod hall migration, when he is unseen by anyone above 3 feet tall.
Jason still won't make me a soundboard (mee too, what? who are you? sorry...)
As requested, Steve Dave tells em (and told 'em in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, which also sucked)
TNN is the first (and only) PoP network on TV, OH YEAH!!!
Little Timmy is still stuck in a well
The Hamburgler continues to steal hamburgers
6 Names continues to draw cartoons
Matt Cox continues to buy t shirts of hardcore bands, YESSSSS!!!!!
D Lo Brown is still scheduled to win the WWF world title
It seems that JR has merged with TnN and legally changed the name of his quality BBQ sauce to: JR's Hot Pop BBQ's Sauce
Jason for the love of God, make me a soundboard!!!!! I've been waiting for 8 months!!!!


AwEsOme & MiSt RetUrn 2 TnN

My OLd TnN TrUcK

TnN Hater

TNN's #1 FAN




Matt Cox= Liked by none, hated by all

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Rollerjam GuestBook

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Don't forget to watch the DUkes of Hazzard, weekdays @ 3pm ONLY ON TNN


Another Cheap Plug: Click Here for another cool site!

OH YEAH!!!!! Counter

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