Awesome & GReen Mist Return to TnN
Awesome & Green Mist


Last night On RaW oN TnN, live from MadIsoN SqUaRe GaRdEn, forMer EcW superstar MiKE AwEsome returned to TnN and caPtUred tHe WwF HArDkoRe championShip from a big TnN supporter, the man-beast RhYno. Apparently Awesome jumped the PoPster and Awesomebombed hiM on A LadDer after he had just defeated a JobbeR naMeD Test.

TaJirI'S GrEeN MIsT AlSo ReTurNz

Later on Raw, the Japanese BuzZsaW Tajiri squared off aGainst Y2j Chris Jericho in a mAtch assignEd bY COmMisSioNEr RegaL. DuRing tHe mAtch, he aCcidently sprayed ReGal with the "grEen mIst" which I migHT aDD is eternal anD will cause a perSon to go bLind and scream in paiN every 5 MinUtez OR so.(OH YEAH!!!!)

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