An Intern!
         Winterim is here and I'm an intern! For winterim, LCA's attempt to gain the love of the students by giving them a week off to do anything they really want to do, I'm interning with Jeremy! I get to work 4 hours a day and sleep in.
          During winterim the students at LCA's highschool can take a week long life application class, go on Senior Trip, on the Dominican Republic mission trip, stay home or go on vacation with the permission of their parents, go on a college visit, or intern at a workplace. Becca is on Senior Trip, MAP is in the DR, and I am interning with Jeremy! Oh wait, I already said that! Oh well.......
      For those that visit my website at least once a month, good for you. For those that visit it every week, I hope I can keep up with you. And for those who come every day, ARE YOU CRAZY!?!
      Winterim is gonna be great, snowboarding was fun, and check out The MUNKIEPOX Report to find out something new.
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