Part Two
What you got? What you want? What you need? Gonna be your Savior! Everything's gonna crash and break! Your Savior!

Dude, I started listening to Air 1 and it is so cool, and now I know all the words to the songs everyone is singing.  Although, it seems that everyone went to ICHTHUS except for me, but I wanted to take some time off from business. No not business, busy-ness. If that's even a word, but I wish I could've been there to see all the bands I've been hearing.
So now that the 5 page history paper is done, I have a history test on Tuesday, an English Paper due Friday and a Biology project due on next Wednesday.
Stress is All Around Me!
And there's more, but the rest is good stress. The Musical opens this Friday and there's an encore presentation on Sunday, so that means two more rehearsals this week.  Prom is May 7 (next Friday) and even though I'm a sophomore I still get to go because I'm going with Erica, so I have to find a tux before then. Also Sophomore chapel is this Thursday and we have almost nothing prepared, we've also got 2 practices for that this week.

Well that's about all I can complain about, yep I think that's it but I don't know,
check back later.


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