On Vacation!
     If you haven't guessed already, I'm not in Lexington, no I'm not even in Kentucky.  As the above headline says, I'm on vacation! I bet you can't guess where, Destin, yes Destin that place in Florida that's always crowded and always delightful. I've actually never been here before, but there's a first time for everything.
      Jeremy advised me not to get sunburned, I just smiled and nodded even though we were conversing over the phone. I've spent 2 days here and I've had a great time so far, except there's not much to do by yourself.

     I went and saw Spider Man 2 with my family, in the immortal words of Tim, "It was awesome!" Well summer is flying by, have you had fun? I have today I watched Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood and learned how they make stoplights. Isn't life just full of wonderful things.
                                       Goodbye Neighbor,
Spider Man 2
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