About OMSS

Subject Notes
About OMSS
News & Events
Contact Details
Internet Resources
Prospective Students
Message Centre

PLEASE NOTE:  The OMSS is NOT involved with the School of Medicine administration, the entrance process into the MBBS course or hospital placements. Please do not forward any course enquiries to the OMSS.

All course enquiries should be made directly to the School of Medicine.


About OMSS The Overseas Medical Student Society (OMSS) is a student society based at the University of Melbourne.  OMSS endeavours to support the interests of medical students studying at the University of Melbourne, with a focus on international students.  It is a non-profit society, run by an elected student committee.

OMSS aims to foster, facilitate and aid the academic, lifestyle and social needs of overseas medical students.  It acts as an official channel through which the concerns of overseas medical students can be heard.

Another objective is to help overseas students studying at the University of Melbourne to adjust to life in Australia.  To achieve this, the OMSS seeks to foster better relationships and communication between overseas students and their Australian counterparts, closing the cultural gap by organising numerous social and academic events throughout the year.  These include:

Orientation and Social Activities

  • OMSS Annual Dinner and Dance
  • Orientation Week activities (including Buddy System)
  • Free lunches
  • Ski trip
  • Sporting functions
Academic Activities
  • Educational seminars

The OMSS provides a valuable service for all medical students.  So please feel free to contact OMSS regarding any matter that may concern you.



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Get Involved

The OMSS is always seeking medical students who are enthusiastic and interested in running the society and our activities.  Contact OMSS for further details about how YOU can get involved. 

Created: 01/07/2000
Last Modified: 01/07/2000
Maintained By: Paul Chou, Webmaster
Email: [email protected]

Comments or suggestions?  Send an email to OMSS

Copyright © 1999-2000 Overseas Medical Student Society (OMSS).  All rights reserved.
This web site is a publication of the Overseas Medical Student Society (OMSS).
The contents contained in this site does not necessarily reflect the opinions of OMSS, or the Web Editor.  Neither OMSS nor the Web Editor takes any responsibility for omissions or errors.

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