Job in UK

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Applying for a Job in UK

Dr Lean Peng Cheah graduated as the dux of MB BS from the University of Melbourne.  He is the first overseas student to have achieve such outstanding recognition.  As an international student from Malaysia, he was elected as the president of OMSS from 1993 to 1994.  In the following article, he will be providing us a tip in the topic of looking for a job in the United Kingdom.  Any further enquiries can be directed to the OMSS.

Finding a job
Check the classifieds section in the British Medical Journal through the internet at  Contact the hospital advertised and ask them to fax you the application forms.  They usually send the job profile to you by mail as it is too costly for them to fax.

If your consultants have worked in the UK before, ask if they have any contacts whom you can talk to.  This is more difficult as technically all jobs have to be advertised.  But who knows, you may get lucky.

General Medical Council
One can apply for Provisional Registration upon graduation and Full Registration can be obtained after the completion of the intern year.  It is a good idea to apply in advance.  Please note that from 1st Jan 1999, one has to sit for the IELTS as well to test on one¡¦s English.  This is rather silly but a necessary chore.  The test will take a day to do; written in the morning and orals in the afternoons.

Getting the job
Given that you are applying from Australia, it is very important to present all your strong points on your curriculum vitae.  So prepare it well. It is also worthwhile doing a bit of research on how to prepare CVs.  Make sure that it is legible even if you fax it.  Hence it is a good idea not to use a font smaller than 12.

Applying for a job in the UK is very competitive, especially for SHO jobs at teaching hospitals.  Sometimes there can be over 200 applicants for one job.  It would be good if you also have recommendation letters by your consultants.  Fax it to the hospital together with your application as well.

Applicants will be short-listed for interviews.  If you are unable to attend personally, then try to arrange for a telephone interview if possible.  At some hospitals, the facilities exist for video-conferencing.

A telephone interview is quite difficult as one does not have the visual cues to rely on.  Prepare for it as the questions asked are pretty routine.  Very rarely, one will still be offered the job without an interview if your CV is exceptional and you have very strong letters of recommendation and references.

Final Tip
Be prepared for failure.  Try and try again.  There are so many hospitals there and it is just a matter of finding the right hospital.

By Dr Lean Peng Cheah


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Created: 01/07/2000
Last Modified: 01/07/2000
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