Parma, Ohio Activist
[email protected]


Below is an article that I am submitting to hundreds of newspapers and broadcast media throughout the country to save both the lives of shelter pets and those on Atkins.

I encourage the public to copy and paste the below article on to a MS Word file, then print up as many as one would want to canvass door-to-door throughout the country.  For about $30 a concerned pet owner could canvass 1,000 houses that could help find a home a hundred pets,and hopefully get a hundred people off Atkins.

You can also have some fun and education in word processing jazzing up the format for one's own tastes. Just don't edit text then distribute with my authorship without approval. And for anyone in the music business who would like a great place to have nationally televised concerts, go to and inquire about Veterans Memorial Park

                        By Steven Bayt
            Vegetarian since August 7,1977
   15 Time Cleveland Marathoner under 3:40

    The American Heart Association along with most every medical, health and nutrition entity or person condemns Atkins as an inevitable health epidemic. People lose weight in exchange for hundreds of other related fatal consequences described in many library books (call numbers NF616.12) and google newsgroups article under STEVE BAYT Atkins Diet.
      Similarly while Atkins comes with a bazillion health fatalities, having the love of pets has more health benefits than Atkins and other style diets have detriments.
       It costs about $120 a month more to be on Atkins then healthy low-fat, high nutrient diets. That $120 a month an Atkins person spends would be enough to take care of a "Chloe", "Toby", "Flockhie", "Murphy", "Amy" with some money left over for an "Abby" or "Penny"
       While every day doctors find something bad about Atkins style diets. Somewhere else, doctors find more surreal health benefits of pet companionship.
        The joy and yes, sometimes stress of a pet can burn off 200 calories per pet, per day. Not including walks. Expressing and showing emotion actually consumes calories whether from carbohydrates or fats.
        Actual scientific fact confirms that pets emit endorphins and other chemicals that react with humans- which provide more benefits then any diet.
         While there are a bazillion false health claims of being "Carb Control" there are actually supported health claims against being "Cat Controlled". A better health claim instead of ATKINS APPROVED (implying some type of legitimacy) would be ANIMAL APPROVED.
         Doctors who had futile efforts to treat people suffering from depression to obesity-trying drugs, supplements, even desperate Atkins style diets, have found success in the millions to simply tell patients to get one or more pets.
          Not one medical association has told anyone to go get on some Atkins style diet.
          People who couldn't get motivated by threats of heart attacks to exercise, get a cute Aussie or other dog giving a sad look for  a walk.
         The people all of a sudden are getting exercise to enjoy time with their dogs( and a  few with cats, looking weird) burning off excess carbs or their Atkins fat.
          Pets provide enhanced immunity. Thousands of hospitals have established "Pet Wards" for patients with pets because the joy provides recurperative powers-allowing for quicker recovery, lower medical costs and higher bed turnover.
          An AIDS organization PAWS is specifically designed to provide pets to those with AIDS.
          There are no organizations not supported by Atkins Foundation to suggest The Atkins diet to sick or obese.
          The benefit of pets provides a better way of overall health improvement then any fad diet.
           The best thing someone would do to lose weight and improve his or her health would be to visit a local animal shelter and bring home the best things one could do for their health.
            Although all pets provide great love and  a lifetime of health benefits, shelter pets after a few weeks of house training tend to be more loving. But, most of all pets provide love, which leads to health.
             And the more love a person gets, the less one needs bad carbs, or bad fats or excessive protein destroying one's kidneys, or anything else preached by Atkins, Sears, Pritikin etc.
             For a former Atkins sufferer turned new pet owner will be too busy loving"Livingston","Sidney" et al. then to be eating and falsely worrying about carbs and not worrying about the fat they  were eating.
               And thus a former Atkins sufferer and potential fatality would no longer have to apologize to human loved ones for one's weight and health risk.
             For like Canadian Figure Skaters Jamie Sale'/David Pelletier and healthy reformed Atkins people about to get loving pets. And ok. Ryan O'Neal and Ali Macgraw... 
                               YOU'RE SORRY.

EPILOGUE:  Consumer Reports June 2002 page 30:

"For nearly 30 years, the nutrition establishment has denounced the diet promulgated by Dr. Robert C. Atkins for it's unsound high-fat, ultra-low-carbohydrate regimen. As recently as last year, an expert panel of nutritionists convened by the American Heart Association condemned it as ineffective and very possibly a health hazard."

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