'progressive manifest destiny' windmills spinning west coast savannah. progress. in complete uniform. done exactly as designed. spin. spin. manifest destiny. it was ours to begin. the land the air. its been our own. rip van winkel slept past noon. while spin spin spin and never stop the almighty learned its lesson make them all the same and there will never be conflict. manifest destiny. lets make it our own. 'nebula' i wont be pulled by gravity electro magnetic forces push me t f e l n r i g h t wHYYYYYYYYYYY eXplOde into 10^3 directions when i can Cave in like collapsing sun implode strip to essentials. burn stronger burn less bright. 'tea time' (formerly 'i feel small') the insignificant small creature now knew death so he invited him for tea death being the good sport he is he cordially agreed. the insignificant small creature tried to talk to death on many issues on current day. 'how about some some politics, sir,' he surely did say. -'they're all a bunch of lying cheats but they will never cheat dear me' 'oh golly dear, i parden sir. hmm...what religion then do you decree?' - 'religion, sir. why sorry, sir, but religion doesn't concern me' 'how delightfully in'tresting, sir.' he said and sipped his tea. 'no politics, no religion sir, that facinates me great. well what then kind sir, of psycho studies, you must of this some how relate?' - 'heavens no sir, im sorry, sir, i have no brain, as one can see. sir. i do as i is told.' he cluthed his sickel and sipped his tea...even as it gathered cold. 'well, i am dreadfully sorry, sir, to make of this a mockery. i pray you sir, will you, kind sir, spareth the life of me?' -'why yes, sir. that's absurd, sir. 'cause, sir, wouldn't thou agree. that one must be already dead, to keepeth death as company!'