looking for rockland (to allen ginsberg, i'll try to follow your dream) I. my pleas fall on the deaf ears of the blind following the blinder reach out for any sort of sustanance and im greated with only bark. bark. bark. i feel like a dog without a bone. i have a bone to pick with you. and you. and you. and you. but all you ever seem to do is smoke your joint. you're in the joint? for what? smoking a joint? where's the coorporate exec's? is exec short for exempt? its funny how we prosicute for stealing 10 bucks and a purse, and we let go those stealing 10 grand and the average family of three point five's health plan. reform reform i see karl marx up stairs smiling as his hypothesis comes true. the poor get poor, the rich get rich. the middle fall back, but lie fall back, but lie fall and then its only you and i. you have some dough. and i have none. but share? why share? when twix preaches two for me and none for you. twix, that candybar that is american obesity. you support that book that shuns excessive materialism. but you support republican social darwinism. so wave bye bye social securities being privatized. look at the fat cats run the parade throw a celebration as they triumph down the main street the wall street while somewhere out in detroit a young man goes to sleep with a gun in his hand afraid that his park bench and newspaper blanket will be stipped away with his freedom in the name of cleanin up the streets. and out in brooklyn, a mother works two jobs so she can support two kids she never has time to see. the cycle continues. america, why don't you see that your self made martyr osama b and his quote endquote 'evil' dreams against an honest society in every speach he ever made preached that the evil america was schemeing to invade a mid eastern society rich in oil. less then a year after he strikes and american finally learns who this man is we became to blind to see that his message was right. america, are we not in iraq? in the middle east. isnt that an oil rich country? but, ah...its the roadmap to peace. while i don't condone the death of anyone anywhere at the hands of any of there fellow human beings. are we really worth being saved? we are always afraid. the rest of the world can see how we treat them with duplicity. are you really gonna argue that getting saddam out was a bad thing? no, its not argueable. but why not kim, why not castro why not rwanda, why not africa? where were we then? still looking for our pocket change. II. so buy your ten cent k-mart bullets. keep your guns inside the houses. lets kill ourselves one by one. lets watch cops, lets watch the apocolypse. was anyone surprised to see that in america, the top two movies show a man getting tortured to death on a cross and a society where people kill slaughter other people and seek shelter in a mall? i wish that i could join you, ginsberg. i wish i knew where rockland was. and i hope in rockland there is no mall. we go together like a ram dam dingle and a jingle do bop do bop. surf the information superhighway what do you see. i see a fear based economy. they wont talk to you if your teath arent white. if your dicks not bigger and thicker, if your soaps not anti-biotic then what good is it? bigger, faster, more productive machine machine you call it progress i call it a pain. im stuck to the wall in my ball and chain. so lets just buy your tears away. buy that new car, buy those new shoes. clap your hands as we feed the pigs with our souls as we throw them away. neh, our society encourages throwing it all away anyway. that computers two years old. its so outdated, you won't get windows 9.0. i see my friends and i see my family the ones who see things with their minds have all turned to drugs. its the only way to truely escape. i wish that i would not care. i wish that i could be with you there inside that mall be a good consumer and just consume. not question why? why do my teeth have to be pearly white? why do we have to force democracy down their throat? why are we the only ones allowed to make the nuclear bombs? we're the only ones to ever use them. there is no hope as long as we just sit back and watch 'the real world' on mtv. i watched c-span the other day, and i heard a congress man say that the reason that we as a society are so obese, is that we do not get off our 'duffs' and take the kids around the block. when's the time? when mom and dad are working 50 hour weeks just so the middle class competes? we fall back, but we just lie we fall back, but we just lie to stay above that ever increasing invisable poverty line. but i've seen to many faces and i haven't seen as many places that i can say i love to be where. my cries will fall on only deaf ears and onto those who have no voice. we are the few, the not so proud the ones who see the problems and the troubles of society. this is my battle plea. america, are you listening? 3/22/04 progressive utopia these are the times that try a mans soul - you have the right to remain silent. what were we fighting for? my friends all shot marbles while i shot at god i took my dad's pistol into the back yard. loaded the cartriges, like any fool can do turned off the safety and fired at you. you bring the love to the rest of the world when all i see is your name being used as a tool a tool in the destruction of the human race the reason that every wars been fueled why should i love a god that breeds only hate? why should i have faith in your biblical police state. thoughts after looking at 'starry nite' its on the way, i say so we stop over at ritas i need her peach with vanilla ice creme. and its all right we feel like a kite against a tranquil starry summer nite with all the heat we get back in our seat and drive and drive and drive and drive. we go back home and turn on a show you know that one you always see on tv? takes place in anytown, usa? i slip off my sneeks scratch my bare feet 'gainst the rug sit back and relax didn't you know? i couldn't tell by your tone that life in media, doens't feel like life in the show. differnt point of view i packed up my schoolbag and headed out to school my bus was waiting at the corner of twelfth and innocence. i met a man along my walk he gave something of a pep talk he said that god would want me to he said that alah understood the problem that exists today and that everything'll be ok if i take this gift he gave me. i did not want to dissapoint i took his offer and asked him what i was to do he took me by the arm and tugged i watched my bus leave through the corner of my eye. he took me into a dark room and told me tales of uncertain doom and put me in a mood of hate. i hated you for oppressing me i hated you for unknowingly teaching me your history of lies and deceit and cheats and the duplicity in applications of treating men from other nations supporting jews in everything they've done and at first it was fun. but seven years of fighting seeing no results makes me ponder what i've done in all my vainity i strap this bomb to my chest and hold this building hostage this is my day of judgement this is the end of progress this is a eulogy for the western society. cold water i was walking, not quite stalking, just meandering along a river cold. it would flow, it wouldn't glow, and my reflection made me look so very old. i could see my life passing before my eyes. a little boy with no direction to an older boy who would just take things as the river flowed. but on this gaze, i saw my better days and somehow i had a revalation, and i couldn't ever take my mind off you. i followed up the river, drinking from its mouth i felt the years run off my life like the stream over the pebbels. it was nothing. i was nothing. i was wanting you. i spent my life wandering a river directionless. meandering with time. meandering with time. waiting for the time, where i would remember how to get back home. so i could see you, waiting by the door, of that little home in the woods, at the end of the river cold. winters coming as the leaves turn gold. and i envision you closing the window. my opertunity a little more every day. as you doubt i'll ever find you. im following the river. i'll be home soon. i promise you. when i see the house i'll run on my crippled knees. take you in my arms and squeeze. i drink from the river and see that im following a fantasy. dreams are only dreams wish that you could see the same sky that i see its the same damn thing accross the country and you may only be a few miles down the road but we'll never see things the same way. you look to far in front of you to realize how good we could be. to honor you. to cherish you. to hold you tight in the darkness of the light. for better or for worse. until i grow old and you hold me in your arms for one last time before i go to kiss your dimples (i pray they never go away). i can only dream that one day one day i can hold you forever. forever feels like only one day. taking things so slowly that i beginning to question time. its of the essence... its money people... it's kept me from you always. bad bad timing. if i could hold you in my arms for one last night and caress your body with my lips glaze your body with my toungue's sweet nothings. i could understand what love really is. but dreams are dreams. they can't all come true i can only dream of holding you as time it passes ever on and you spin away a little more i begin to learn that you're forever gone.