Murphy Trails Mountain Bike Club

Risk Management Policy

The following is Murphy Trails policy for risk management. These policies have been put in place to reduce the risk associated with mountain biking while on the trails.

To reduce the risk of personal injury:

- Members will always abide by “Murphy’s Laws” which are:
o Helmets are to be worn at all times.
o Be courteous to hikers and other bikers on the trail. Be sure to alert others of your presence and always warn before passing.
o Drugs and alcohol are forbidden on the trails. Riding trails is a demanding sport which requires you to always be alert.
o Be responsible and ride within your limits. If you are unsure of a section don’t push yourself.

- Members will be provided with maps so as to find the quickest route to medical attention. Maps will also be posted on the trails with you are here markers.
- Instruction for getting medical aid to a rider will be posted in the barn including the emergency numbers to call, address of Murphy Trails and any other information deemed pertinent to emergency medical staff.

To reduce the risk of a dangerous trail condition:

- Members must agree to make safe any condition found on the trails that they might deem to be dangerous.
- Members will report the dangerous condition on the board provided if they can not remove the danger themselves.
- Members must sign in and out when riding at Murphy’s. The sign in/out sheet will be posted so that the riders can take note of the dangerous condition board.
- Trail maintenance staff will follow up with information on the board to ensure the dangerous condition has been removed.

To reduce the risk of riding alone:

- Members will inform a responsible person as to the time they are expected to finish riding.

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