Sen. Bruce Murray, Republican of Kentucky
My fellow Kentuckians and Americans,

It is with great humility that I serve God and country in the USMA Senate.  Please contact me with your ideas about the important issues facing our nation in the year 2005, and your ideas for legislation that will advance our freedom, justice, and equality.

Bruce Murray, R-Kentucky
USMA Senate

Political Goals

Abortion: Pro-Life.  Stop partial-birth and sex-selection abortions.
Affirmative Action: End it.  Make government race-neutral.
Hate-crime laws:  Every crime is a hate crime.
Bush's Tax Cut: Favor. Lower marginal rates.  Reduce capital gains taxes.
Tort Reform:  End punitive damages.  Cap damage awards.
Church and State: Favor Posting Commandments
Death Penalty: Favor for murder and treason.
Education: School choice.
Cloning and Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Forbid.
Farm Subsidies: Discontinue.
Gun Control: Preserve Amendment II
Help Schools: With School Vouchers
Pollution Regulation: Voluntary with incentives
Taxation Preference: Flat Tax
Closing Military Bases: Consolidate if necessary
Debts of Third World: Private investment only
Homosexual Rights: Marriage only for man and woman
Kyoto Treaty: Do Not Ratify
Mexican Illegals: No Amnesty
Minimum wage: Let market set wages
Oil Exploration: More Exploration in USA
Trade Globalization: Free trade; Pro-NAFTA
Welfare Reform: Cap benefits and time in program; encourage self-help.
Drug Abuse : Forced rehabilitation
Election Campaigns - Public Matching/Spending Caps: No
Financing Elections - Soft Money: Preserve free speech
Legalizing Marijuana: No
Privatization of Public Utilities: Support
Public Healthcare: Oppose
Limits on Corporate Size: No
Armed Forces - Gender Issues: Maintain differences; exclude homosexuals
Comprehensive Test Ban: Do Not Ratify
Continued NATO: Support
Economic Sanctions Against Cuba: Eliminate Sanctions
Economic Sanctions Against Iraq: Keep Sanctions
Foreign Aid: Reduce or eliminate
International Arms Sales: Should NOT be banned
International Peacekeeping Force: Oppose American involvement
Israel: Support operations to end Palestinian terrorism.
Sen. Bruce Murray, R-KY
My Favorite Links:
The Reading Genie
Thomas Sowell discussion group
Townhall columnists
Contact information
Name: Sen. Bruce Murray, R-Kentucky
[email protected]
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