April 04, 2002

To everybody who's entering through my Geocities account....i moved servers! Whoopy-do! My new addy is over here at http://www.xquisite.net/~empyrean so yeap. I'll still update my Geocities page just in case stray people missed it, but not for long, so jump on over while you can!

Erp...man, i haven't drawn anything recently...lol! It's all because of Ragnarok, damm*t! *point point* Heheh...it hasn't been that long since i updated right? I mean, i went longer without. =P Anyways, yes, it's true, i have sold my soul to Ragnarok...for those who don't know what Ragnarok is, it's a MMORPG created by a Korean company...and it's oh so fun! =) The server's down as i speak...one of the main reasons i actually got something new up...lol! Anybody here plays? *googly eyes*

Well, i have something that decidedly isn't my style as my latest...i just wanted to try a gothic color scheme. =) I was imspired by a layout i saw in a Morgan fashion magazine, and i instantly thought of something like this. =) Ah well, it's fun to try something new, as i mentioned before...behold my almightly CGing skills! XD XD XD~! *gets bricked by a tomato*

Revised and added onto my links page! Go check it out will ya? =)

*previous rants/updates
Webmistress's Corner:
Gloria Pan / 17 yrs.
The next world tyrant in training!
last update - April 04, 2002

Artwork is copyrighted to me, Gloria Pan.
Please do not take anything from
this site without permission. Thank joo!
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