In-depth on my affiliates. How to get a hold of Wil You a fan?  Send me work! The cast of this site The archives... (> >) The newest Randomosity The newest Late Sprite The newest MKH The main page


4/30/04- Well, I thought I'd already posted this, but I guess not... anyway, I got my new site, finally. The address is Have fun!

4/8/04- New MKH. I know it's been FOREVER since I last updated, and it's going to be forever until the next time I update. I'm leaving for Spring Break on Saturday, you see. Now, you may ask, "Wil!? You're going to be gone all week next week and you do diddly squat this week!? What's wrong with you!?" See, the thing is, I have been working, almost nonstop, on the site. I actually got accepted on a new server, and I'm about halfway done transferring everything. This will be the last update on Mushroom Kingdom Hearts. Starting in about two weeks, I will be updating on my new site, Where There's A Wil Productions. Until then, later!!! (Wow, am I long-winded or what!?)

4/1/04- New MKH, and I may do an April Fools Day special when I get home (I'm updating at school ^_^)

3/29/04- New Late Sprite. HUZZAH! Also, two new Fan Works. HUZZAH S'MORE! Dinner time. HUZZAH TO END ALL HUZZAH'S!


3/25/04- Today's a big day. Anyone know why? ~nobody answers~ (v-v) That's right! Today is the 50th issue of Mushroom Kingdom Hearts! Plus, I have new fanwork, and a new affiliate, "For Pete's Sake"! Check them out. It's a pretty sweet little comic.

3/22/04- Hallelujah! My computer actually stopped lagging long enough for me to finish the newest Randomosity! This is based off a real AIM conversation between me and Ben from Savage Boredom. Yes, the color job is absolutely horrible, but I was afraid I was never gonna get it done if I didn't while I had the chance. BTW, if you got there before the site crashed (again), I hope you all enjoyed page two of BtS. I know I did! ^_^ Page three will hopefully be up on Thursday.

3/17/03- Happy St. Patrick's Day! Got a holiday filler for ya. Now, I have to do my reading for lit class. Joy. ~muttering~ www.freebooknotes.c...

3/14/04- Well, I had this nagging feeling like I forgot something, and I just randomly opened up the newest MKH on my comp, and I noticed that I forgot to add a narration bubble. So, when you read it, there should be a bubble that reads "One short explaination later..." I'll fix it eventually, but I'm swamped with homework at the moment and don't have time. So, later.

3/13/04- New MKH. I hope you all enjoyed page one of "The Legend of Zelda: Beyond the Shadow". I really like how it came out. Hopefully, I will update on Dereck's site every Thursday. Now, I must go pick up a pizza. ^_^

3/11/04- No update here today, but if you go to Dereck's site (Spunky Darkness), you'll find something to your liking. :) Also, I have two new affiliates, Pebble Version, and Dizzy Comics. I'll put up the buttons on the other pages later, because my computer hates me right now XD.

3/8/04- ~Kills computer~ Man, this sucker has been lagging lately. Anyway, new MKH, and Brak-subplot continuage. Later.

3/2/04- OK, so, I put up a new MKH today, despite the fact that my computer still hates me. I also sent Psy a page for his comic, Dirty Power, so keep an eye on FB20xl for it! Basically, I'm going around the site fixing some minor problems with my coding and what-not, so it'll look pretty again! BTW, I haven't gotten any suggestions for Notderecktryingtobefunny's new name, so please please please send me a suggestion! And, in one last bit of news, this will probably be the last update this week. It's possible I'll get a comic up on Thursday, but not likely. I have NAHS and bowling league on Thursday night, and I'm leaving on Friday for all weekend. So, ta!td>

Current Position

DISCLAIMER: I do not own, nor am affiliated with in any way Nintendo, FUNimation, Sega, or GAME FREAK. Mario, Luigi, Sonic, Pokemon, Kirby, Link, Goku, Samus Aran, Brak, and all related characters are copyright thier respective owners. Wil and all related characters are property of Where There's A Wil Productions.

SPRITE CREDITS: Some sprites used in Mushroom Kingdom Hearts where found at The Shyguy Kingdom and Fireball20xl. "Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga" sprites were ripped by Deekman. Samus Aran sprites where created by ZinDinTimeYUM. Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, and Amy Rose sprites were ripped by DanSidney. Shadow sprites also edited by DanSidney. Chaos Zero and Rogue sprites were ripped by N-Finity. "Sonic Battle" portraits ripped by Cream.

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