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Poem of the Month

Searching for the missing
part of my soul, 
the one that lets me be
all that I know I am.

I feel trapped, boxed in by others expectations, trapped by who I'm suppposed to be not who I want to be.
Who am I? No definition is easy to find, a lover, who is unloved, a teacher who doesn't teach, a power who is powerless to show the light she has inside.
I am trapped by other people's expectations, by the role society has forced me to play by the role I've forced myself to fill.
Can I break free? Can I, like the butterfly, crack the chrysalis, and find out who I really am?
Yet for now, I wait, watching the world around me, wishing for something, anything, to free me from these expectations.

By Allegra

I've been published online! Under one of my other nicknames, I've submitted poetry to Starlite Cafe. To see my poem, and others I'll post in the future, click on the link next door: Poems by Rhavehn

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