The Picture Gallery

Allegra's Picture Gallery

Hey there! I've decided to reorganize the picture gallery a little, with actual catagories of stuff. We'll see how things go, shall we? First off, since I get SO many requests for pictures of just me, here you go. After that, all the pictures of my friends. And don't forget to check out my Brag Book that showcases pictures of my nephews. =) Thanks!!

Well, here I am, in all my *snort* glory. And please, no remarks about the sucker! *weg* Well, maybe a couple...*lol*

Here's a picture from my freshman year marching band. I'm the drummer on the far right (i.e., last drum) =)

Madrigals 1999

Me and my best friend Kim Adams

Me and Rob Certain

Scary, isn't it? This is "Katisha" & "Pooh-Bah" (aka Darren Murray) from the last night of The Mikado, by Gilbert and Sullivan.

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