Thoughtful or Profound
Thoughtful or Profound


Blue white jagged light zips across the sky rage unfulfilled thunder a rumbling counterpoint to the pouring rain. With heavy staccato taps the rain beats upon my roof, rounding out the symphony of anger.
Anger. Stronger than most emotions, fueled by greed, envy, fear, and love. Love - how may love spawn anger? "From my greatest love has sprung my greatest hate." Is not hate a form of anger?
Love. Fickle mistress of the heart, capricious goddesss that can be both cruel and kind. Yet we continue to search for her, to throw ourselves down upon her altar, offering our souls as sacrifices for whatever pitiful boon she may bestow upon us. Ahh, Love.
Fear. Why do we fear what we cannot control? How often do we fear the unknown? We delve into metaphysics searching for answers when there are none to find. I commit my fears to God, and I fear no more.
Greed and Envy fall together, holding hands while skipping down the lane. Those who have more than they need crave more - power, wealth, influence, love, while those with none tremble with want and wishes unfulfilled for a tenth of what they have. Is either truly productive? Do either really serve a purpose? Or may they be tools of the devil for use on the simple minds and hearts?
I neither have great wealth nor want for it. I am provided for, and content with what I have been given. Do I dream? Yes. All men dream of what could be, what they desire most. Do I dream of riches? No. Do I dream of fame? Yes, but I know I would never be truly happy. Then what do I dream of? Family. Security. Trust. And, Love. And the greatest of these is Love.


Floating in an endless dream I fear to wake to lose my happiness where love is true and honest men walk the land once more.
Yet, I wake to face the day lined with myriad pitfalls struggling onward buoyed up by the love of my family and friends.
Then night draws close her darken veil 'round the world. I retreat gracefully thankfully, to slumber.
Gently as a falling feather I spiral down further into the dream. Back to my familiar world where I haunt in the simple abode of my mind.
Ahh, fantasy. It looms largely in front of me, ripe with possibilities as the dawn of a summer's day.
Here, I am the master. I control my hurts and disappointments change them to happiness and triumphs. I control the world of my dreams.

Dappling silver waves slap gently against the shore where I sit above looking down the moon-drenched beach stretching away for miles yet I am alone.
Walking, after midnight, my feet softly splashing my solitary footprints lead the way from my past to my future wandering, aimless much as my ramblings are.
From time to time my footprints merge with another's; but never for long. Always disappearing into the waves or out beyond the sand.
Alone, once more, I wander. Time has no meaning for me, the silvery moon, at last, gives way to burning sun, the bright of day searing my soul but never managing to touch the core of ice beneath wrapped around my heart.
Sworn to never love again locking my heart away where love's cruel rays can't touch nor burn in the light of day. I stop, looking back up the path that I have walked, to see just where I have come from lest I forget the origins of my soul.
Turning my back on the past once more, I walk and wander aimlessly seeking to find my purpose the meaning of my life, if there is one.
Trudging ever onward, I chase the sun away to blessed night, diamond-hard stars twinkling above, the bright moon above, gilding the landscape in silver.
I sit again, above the waves, and watch them glide restlessly to the shore in their own vain attempt to conquer what cannot be conquered. Much like my life, these waves;
So much effort, for so little return. Yet I know I will win in the long run. I will prevail in whatever I choose when I choose my path for true.
Till then, I wander. . . till the day I meet my destiny.

The Call

Slowly the beating starts a gentle pounding rhythmic, insistent sending the blood pounding a low throbbing breath quickening and moisture forms on the brow.
Flickering firelight illumines fitfully the flames dancing in response to the drums answering the call of the sound the pulse of the world.
Gradually the pulse begins to speed feet slapping the dusty earth rising and falling bodies turning and twisting arms swaying answering the call of the drum.
Faster now, pulses race, the beating of the heart echoes the beating of the drum, the blood in veins singing in counterpoint chanting rises arms swirling hair flying passion overtakes all.
The flames rise higher fed by the rhythms the drums sound crecendoing in a thunderous cacophony harder, faster, louder more -
Then silence. Echoes soon fade hearts resume their peaceful beat as sweat dries on fevered brows yet the pulse remembers. . . It remembers how to sing.

Conflict, or the Battle of Light and Dark

Dazzling, the light refracts in a bright flash, turning this way and that, sharp edge silver bright I hold Death in my hands.
Power flows, as I gently move from side to side the black leather grip held fast in my hands mesmerized by the play of light and dark, so like my soul.
A thing of beauty, yet deathlike efficiency long history that has seen much I hold in my hands the thoughts and memories of all it has slain, transmuted by the acrid blood that coats the blade still.
Haunted by phantom faces and images that aren't mine silently accusing. All those I left behind; pride, envy, love all curse me as I turn my back upon them.
Yet they cling still. Anger rages, I turn, and raise the blade, slicing, tearing at their shades their mocking laughter adding to my fury as my demons defeat me once more.
Sweating, as my breath races my heart, I stand, alone once more. The demons have gone. Once again they have proven their mastery over me, they retreat to await the next folly unfettering of my mind to plauge me, torture my lost mind.
Raising the blade once more pressing its cool surface to my flushed brow, I close my eyes, and sigh knowing this only to be a temporary respite in the battle for the ownership of my self. The battle of truth and righteousness against dark thoughts and darker intentions in my inner being; The conflict of light and dark in my soul, in my heart, in my life. by Allegra

Nightfall Chasing the sun away as I fly high above skimming above the floating clouds the land below conceal'd beneath. Rays of pinkish-orange stain the horizon greedy fingers reaching out holding onto the last vestiges of day as the vermillion ball sinks beyond sight beyond the wall. Racing ever onward. Racing to beat the devil as the light dies with violence and splendor before at last giving way to night. One by one, the twinkling stars appear diamond hard chips of ice gleaming upon the blue velvet that slowly fades to black; jewels tossed careless by a giant's hand. Beneath, peeping through the lace of clouds like wayward children tiny lights twinkle impishly taking a childish delight in their game of hide-and-seek. Slowly, the patterns of the stars unfold pinwheeling images circling the earth before the dawn of man reveling in their splendor, I bask in the sweetness of the night. Ahh, night. Only the earthbound can truly appreciate its bounties; the sounds, the smells, the enchanting loveliness of the night. Confined as I am so high above I sigh, regretfully closed away from my night. That special time when the veil is drawn across the world, when the whole of man and beast sleep to lead another day, another life. As I watch from my captive window, I watch the moon rise Pale and Cold, she bathes the world with her cool regard, gilding all she touches with silver. The mountaintops breathtaking in the sun become magic with the moon. Powdery white becomes as blinding as light gleaming with the secret life bestowed by the moon's touch. Too soon, it seems the pale luminence begins to wax and wane as the sky begins to lighten in the east making ready for the rule of the sun, once more. As darkness flees before the advancing rays I feel a sneaking sadness, at the dawn of another day at the expense of the death of night. Yet, I am comforted that once more at the close of day night, blessed night will once again reign and triumph over the harsh day. Night, the soft fragrant night; the soothing balm to my troubled soul.


Stepping forth, into the moonlit glade dark shadows abound but I am unafraid hand in hand, with a stranger
My soul-mate my long hair trails in the breeze honey-colored, curl'd tresses dancing in the breeze.
I watch the Master turn his back, draw forth his hood, turning back to face sad, wise eyes bright blue, gaze with compassion.
I can only smile, brave beyond the fear nod encouragingly I know the reason we are here the thing that must come to pass.
I tighten my hand, in the stranger's grip and feel it tighten, in return as I watch the Master take up the bow nock the arow, draw back the string as tears stream from his eyes.
I smile again, and close my eyes. I hear the rush of air as the arrow is loosed, its flight true slams into my breast, through the heart, as time stops.
Filled with power and pain my soul flies upon the winds as I learn the secrets of the past and see the mysteries of the future.
Then, at last, my body calls my time is not yet done plunged back into bloody death yet I live again
Feel the pain again, as my eyes once more open to the dark shadows of the forest.
My soulmate and I, bound by ribbons and together by fate, know what we must do
With too-wise eyes, we see that the bonding must begin as we draw near one another.
His eyes are kind, but filled with pain the agony of understanding as he pulls me near.
Our souls meet, and remember one another and ancient love stronger than time, or death rejoicing in having found one another again.
All secrets dispensed, knowlege shared, we share our pain and grow strong.
I pul him close, the bonding half-complete, to finish what was started. I stroke the hair back from his brow, then kiss it with a sigh
As our bodies reaquaint themselves from pasts long disremembered. The bonding finished, strangers no more, we know what the future holds.
We know what we must fight for, what we sacrafice for. We live to serve Mother Earth, we die to defend her.
We will continue the fight, on down the line, living, loving, battling, dying, as we have for a hundred-hundred years.
By Allegra


Darkness begins its slow descent
upon my very soul,
with beckoning eyes,
a sweet sting,
an insane immortality

Feel the pulsing life
a beating, pounding drum,
the rush of fear,
then gone, as
ecstasy overwhelms all

Pale body trembles,
in the still night
a first awakened hunger,
of the ancient one's way
the night only witness to mine evil deeds

A gasp, a cry, 
the final surrender
the warm throbbing of life
meets the cold of death
and begins the dance again

Excitement builds
I collapse with a sigh
a gentle hand guiding down
eyes staring at the sky
the life force ebbs as it flows

At last fulfilled
a gentle close of unseeing eyes
savor the sweet lifeblood
a shudder, a sigh
as false dawn arches over all

Again to the darkness
now I must steal,
sated the beast within
now to sleep,
the holy light a bane to mine own

Another night ended,
dawn lightens the sky
the darkness closes upon me
as silently I await
the coming of nightfall

Then again I shall arise,
to feed again once more
driving hunger, unquenchable thirst,
never mortal again,
I dream, with sadness, of before.

By Allegra

Wishful Dreams

Of all the days, I knew the sun,
when last I could see
the dying rays
before giving over to the darkness
of the night.

I saw the last sunrise,
burning away my tears
and noticed, the light
is born the same way it dies;
with violence and beauty.

As if waiting to die,
and to be born again
as fitting my last sunrise
my last full day
in the light of the world

before joining the eternal darkness.
Yet, whilst sunlight has its incomparable beauties,
the darkness, like velvet, is kind
as soft as satin, as it hides from prying eyes,
the harsh realities I must face.

Now, as I live in darkness,
and see the sun no more,
I wonder what might have been,
if I had a hand in destiny's choice
if all would have changed, or stayed the same.

Now, the light is death, and dark is life
as the red blossoms for me each night
filling my soul with joy
singing a hymn of power through my veins
like the sweetest wine.

I dream, sometimes, of mortal joys,
of feeling the sunlight on my face,
holding someone in a tight embrace,
other than the embrace of death
then shrug, for it is all behind me now.

Yet now and then, 
I feel a sneaking sadness
and wish my visions were real
as things might have been, been given the choice
I dream with sadness, of before.

 By Allegra

World of Dreams

Words float by, meaningless as intangible, soap bubbles as dark as dreams I dream during the day

Floating, I contemplate the thought of cool water lapping at my ankles as I walk the shores of yesterday

The dream of dreams I dream the sigh, the tear, the scream I walk them all, untouched where I end, who can say?

I see the prayers of saints I feel their emphereal tears crying to the Lord God above, "save us, save us this day!"

Whether he answers I cannot say that is not for me to know on I walk, from dream to dream I walk the lonely ways

Comissioned by one greater than I to take the task I face I am the keeper of dreams my kingdom shuns the day

My world, it is my home invade only if you dare for those who wish to harm will rue the day

Yet walk my kingdon freely, brave a visitor, my guest if you shun the day

Yet know that it may not be as all seems for dreams are fickle things I am but the keeper of worlds the worlds where fantasies lay. By Lisa

The Dream Random thoughts, scattered across meaningless pages; written daydreams are these the true reflections of our souls? Or merely phantom fixtures from forgotten pasts that come across the veil storytellers from which we have lessons to learn? Does time hold meaning for us of such short, busy lives: Do we truly appreciate all that we have in our race to acquire more? I still hold dear the valour of love the chivalry long-dead a relic of past ideals long forgotten champions I stand, a rock in the river called Time. Steadfastly resisting change I rage, rage, against the dying of the light the light of all I've believed as the unbelievers destroy my dreams one by one seared in the harsh flouresent day. As dreams are the children of night concieved, born, grown whilst we sleep, only to die of old age in the bright light of day or the shrill cry of the clock. Many mortals forsake their dreams to live in endless drudgery day in, day out, routines unchanging as the light of day burns brightly and forces forgetfulness of hope. Ahh, but then, night comes once more, unfettering minds springing free, to explore unknown vistas where the walking fear to tread. Love once again, conquers all men are noble women are pure or wicked, if you please all rules are broken in the place of the dream. Man's greatest downfalls and his saving graces have been seen in the dream; as long as Men dream, these things will come to pass. Children, unborn or dead, live on forever in this timeless place as do all the loved ones lost; but have care, for our deepest fears also dwell and thrive. No one may wake and know the exact reason for their dream; it is for the wise to see and take heed of the lessons offered. Only a fool dismisses the power of the dream; only the foolish refuses to see what has been laid before him as simple as the most deceptive riddles, one must look within. Only the wise can truly see yet even they cannot grasp the fully significance, as their ways mire them, and blind them till they see no more than the fool. Any person, who opens their heart can see behind the riddle of the dream; Yet they must be wise enough to see the importance, but be of free mind. Able to accept the unacceptable see the unseen, or at least believe there is more than meets the eye; Yet, still enough of the fool not to see shadows behind every rock. The balance, then, of foolish and wise is, in itself, what we must learn in order to understand our minds to use them to full potential. The dream is only a tool to help us understand; for if we cannot know our own dreams, how can we ever hope to know our own minds? By Allegra

Redemption Lying in the soft grass dappled sunlight playing across my face trailing my fingers in the waters of a babbling brook Looking into the sky watching the patterns of the clouds takes me back so long ago a lifetime Looking back, with the eyes of the wise I see time as it flows around me as I stay above it remembering, living. The vital oath I gave to earn immortality in a fashion; my soul never dies, never rests; though the body dies I live. To protect I am sworn to fight, as entrusted with holy power yet remain anonymous. I walk amongs the mortals, with only too-wise eyes giving notice to my true nature, my purpose on this earth secret to myself as well as others. Each time I must complete the task at hand; but first recover the knowledge I have disremembered from pasts long ago to aid me in the present. For only at the time of renewal is all revealed; before the cycle begins anew the birth, the life, the death the memories overflow as I remember the lifetimes Stretching back through history. Each life, a chance to serve, correct the wrongs perfect my soul, until the evil is banished from the light, forever. Only then, my mission's completion, can my soul rest, join the others heaven-blest. At long last, Redemption. By Allegra


Who am I? What have I become? Hateful, hurtful embittered by a soap opera of tragedies that only make sense to my soul? Who have I become to judge so harshly to condemn with the fury of the righteous when I've had no just cause?
My aching heart has swayed my deluded mind irrational judgements I've made, tortured decisions I've declared, and enemies conjured from thin air. Who is they poor wretch who stares back from the looking glass - a deranged and tormented Alice begging for release from the hellish Wonderland from which she is imprisoned?
I am ashamed of who I have become. The vision I see is not me; rather, it is who I have let myself become - caused by resentment, jealousy, andger and yes, even hate, and fear. All the lower emotions of humanity have become entrenched in my soul, leaving scars in their wake.
Father in Heaven, I beseech thee, take this cup from me, for it is bitter and I do not want it. Take my scarred and wounded heart in Your hands and give me rest.
It is surely not what I deserve, but I beg forgiveness for my sins. My concience is the cross I bear as I wander in the dark. Father, shine your light upon my face, that I may find my way home. Turn not your face from me, but show me they glory, remake me in your image, and lift me above the petty, hurtful world.
Help me heal my broken soul.

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