As you start to open the door labeled, "Science Fiction Links", you hear a loud coughing behind you. Tasslehoff looks at you from the doorway, and smiles sadly. "I'm not allowed to go any farther with you," he says sadly, "Allegra would get mad. So...." he extends his small hand politely, "Good journey! May you find all you look for." Smiling, you shake the kender's hand, and watch him shut the door behind you. Strangely, you almost miss the kender's incessant chattering in the sudden silence that ensues. Shaking your head, turn away from the door. You find yourself in a hallway with buttons and flashing lights all along it's length. The hallway leads to a spacious room with windows showing nothing but black velvet sky and stars.

There is nothing in the room but several doors, some of which have signs, some don't. There are six doors in front of you with signs, and as you walk closer, you can read the print. The doors left to right read, "Sci-Fi Links Page", "Star Wars Links to the Galaxy", "Star Trek and Sci-Fi Link Database", "Sci-Fi Central", "Rude Doggy's Star Trek Homepage", and "Star Wars Pics and Gifs". Which one do you choose?

Go to Sci-Fi Links Page

Go to Star Wars Links to the Galaxy

Go to Star Trek and Sci-Fi Link Data Base

Go to Sci-Fi Central

Go to Rude Doggy's Star Trek Homepage

Go to Star Wars Pics and Gifs

Back to the Fantasy Page


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