For Love Of Comforting Kids
Love,comfort,& compassion are a big part of healing for a child suffering from Chronic, or Fatal Illnesses. Songs of Love, celebrates these children, & teens by providing them with Songs of Love, compassion, & praise. Nothing lifts a childs spirits like hearing their praises sung to them on their very own CD. As the Grandmother of two little boys with Cystic Fibrosis. I have seen the Medicine of Music work.The Songs of Love you hear on this site were written for my Grandson's Zachary Paul, & Seth Jacob. Please visit their web site, listen to their samples of music, & search your Hearts. Their had to be a favorite song in your life that just made you feel good ! These Remarkable Souls, write, produce, sing, & deliver these songs just for the asking. Please Support them. You never know when you'll need something to sing about.
I'm proud to be a Music Messenger S.L.Rose

Songs of Love
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Paslm 100:1 A Salm of praise.   Make a joyful noise unto the LORD,all ye lands.
2 Serve the LORD with gladness:come bofore his presence with
Col.3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom          as you sing psalms,hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
Seth & Zachary show theirs Songs of Love Proudly!.
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