----------------------------------------------- ALONE I BREAK Korn August 20th, 2002 Treatment by Ian Gilman We open in complete darkness except for Jonathan's eyes, wide and unblinking, pleading to us to end his torment. A door opens behind camera, streaming bright light and casting two long human-shaped shadows across the floor of what is now revealed to be a horribly dingy solitary confinement cell. The music starts. Jonathan, bound in a tattered straitjacket, remains frozen in shock as white-sleeved hands reach into frame and pull him out of the cell. We follow behind, trailing his feet as the two orderlies drag him down an institutional hallway, down the stairs and out the back door. We see a rubbish heap illuminated by a long, bright shaft of warm light from the door. The orderlies heave their human waste onto the pile, where he lands with a crunch. Close-up on Jonathan as the door closes, light receding, leaving only moonlight. He sings "I will make it go away. . ." as we glide over the pile, discovering the other band members half buried. The trash begins to stir. Ratty scavengers emerge and start picking through the pile, pulling out bodies and other junk. They haul the entire band away into the dark. "Now I see the times they change. . ." Cut to a shiny new factory/operating chamber. Pipes and wires cover the walls and mysterious equipment is scattered throughout. Each band member is strapped to a vertical operating table, one next to the other. Workers in lab coats with strange mechanical appendages are working on the band, digging into their flesh and installing chips, armor, weapons and instruments. Jonathan sings throughout. "Shut me off. . ." The band members, completely transformed, are now walking the streets of a major city, looking ready for a fight. "I will make it go away. . ." Suddenly the band erupts into action, using their new-found powers to cause chaos and mayhem. They fire energy waves from their hands at cars, buildings, billboards, anything in sight. The world is falling down around them, and they are the bright white fire of destruction. "Am I going to leave this place?" Cut to a wide shot of the city, billows of smoke and flashes of light visible in the distance. From behind camera a fleet of military helicopters head toward the scene. Back down on street level, the rampage continues. Slow-motion montage of destruction and chaos. The helicopters arrive and the two forces engage in a ferocious firefight. By now debris and explosions are flying everywhere. Helicopters tumble into buildings. As valiantly as they fight, one by one each of the band members fall, eventually leaving Jonathan alone in the heart of the firestorm, singing at the top of his lungs as he is ripped apart piece by piece. On the last line of the song, "Does this make me not a man?" all goes black, and we're left again with those wide unblinking eyes, pleading. -----------------------------------------------