a musicfan's fantasyland...
ok, so i'm new at this. allow me to introduce myself, i'm a musicfan :) i'm a college sophomore living with a pothead roommate who stinks up the suite and steals my clothes! for two years now i've worked as a waitress, and now in addition, i'm part-timing it at my gym, racking in some cash a as a nursery worker at my church, *and* pulling 9 hours a week on work/study on campus... i am exhausted, to say the least.  on top of this... school.  i'm working towards a psychology/english major (with minor in dance).   someday i'd like to possibly counseling young girls (and guys) with eating disorders. 

Anyway, to learn more about me read my
bio and check out the questionaire.
my links:
rantings archive
date: feb 29, 04
uncontrollable rantings...
topic: nana
                     ....at 6:20 this morning my phone rang....

me, whispering groggily into the reciever, "hello?"

nana, "sister? oh sugar, you sound awful. are you sick?"

me, "no, asleep." (doesn't she know i'm homocidal before noon?)

nana, "oh. beetle bug. if youre feeling sick go back to sleep."

me, "no, i'm not sick. i'm -- this is just  my morning voice"

nana,  "well, i guess now that you're up and you've got me on the phone, what did you want?"

me, after a long confused pause. "what?"

nana, "you called, beetle"

me, "um. you called me."

nana, "oh." she is silent a minute, "so that wasn't you who just called here a minute ago? well,  who could it have been?" (apparently i was the obvious choice?)

me, "no. [yawn]  not me. i was asleep-y. sleepy me." (i do not formulate complete thoughts this early). "did you not get to the phone on time??

nana, laughing hysterically, "i answered the remote control instead of the telephone."

(if i wasn't so tired, i'd laugh too.)

nana, "oh, gotta run. wags is chewing on my house slipper again. oh, where is my camera? call again so--" (hangs up).

i love old people :)
my disclaimer: i am a woman of peace and silence.  i am beginning to appreciate how the internet allows me the opportunity not to speak, not to feel compelled to fill time and space because you are uncomfortable with silence.  in life, i am chatty- - sometimes overly so.  i know how most dislike lulls in conversations, so if necessary, i will gloss over them with empty comments about the weather, flat statements about my day.  but my preference, in most cases, would be to remain silent... to enjoy the lull, to appreciate the chance to pause and think.  sometimes silence is the oxygen mask: speech gets in the way of breathing.  so many times it certainly gets in the way of hearing... (pause) the end.
new stuff: suite 6A is undergoing  "the great re-model"... here's a before pic!

also, new poems!

previous topic: endless cycles
i'd like to blossom
and smell like gardenia while doing it,
                                        and i'd like for you to be there...
suggestions? comments? want to share your own poetry?  email me!
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