
me, i have freckles
that i used to hate
imperfections i wanted to
burn from my skin
they used to hold me back from you

but the tilt of your tooth when you smiled
i found endearing

afraid you were as shallow as this
i dipped my fingers in blues
to cover my grey eyes,
brushed on strawberry cheeks
glued fake smiles
struck my pose for you

i stooped, embarrassed
of delicate breasts.
hung my head to obscure
the length of my neck.
crunched my toes
to fit into tiny, feminine shoes

then, you suprised me
an afternoon in an empty apartment
with nothing to do
we counted my freckles
i realized, you found them delightful

comforting, to peal off my
plastic face for you.
thank you for loving me (for what i am),
freckles and all
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