what am i?

maybe i'm lost keys...
i'm so crucial to your existence, essential to your life, yet
    you misplace me.  you cannot find
me in the most obvious of locations
i was shiny to you once, now dull because of how
    you use me

maybe i'm a snowball...
you see me with your fire eyes, and i melt
    i just can't hold my shape in front of you
    you find me superficial, since my insides are a watery nothingness

maybe i'm your prison...
i trap you in innumerous ways, i wont let you truly
    love the way you want
    you hate my decadence, the internal decay of your life

i could be an avalanche though...
    gathering in front of you with infinite power, and
    you don't even know it

but i'll never understand this demeaning nature of things...
that duality of human comprehnsion that
   forces all people
   to compare themselves to something they are not
i love you, love me for something i am, rather
   than something i am like
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