bio: 20, female, alabama, virgo. height : 5 feet 8 inches (i think), weight : 126 (give or take). eyes : blue/green. hair : light brown. skin : fair

loves the delicious foods, doesn't cook; loves the delicious drinks also; paris, bologna, new orleans, venice sunsets, autumn starlight, the big dipper sits over my house; i am barefoot, but loves the shoes also; toe-nails painted red, enjoys the company of friends, but revels in solitude also; tone deaf, loves to sing. simplicity. shades of blue and grey. dances in the dark, sways. forgets how to move and breathe without music. loves music, sweet sweet rhymes. theatre & ballet. teases mercilessly. clumsy and graceful. hates the cold and the dark and the tears i cry. sleeps through morning    ...
don't leave me here alone, its cold baby, come back to most alive at dawn. trusts myself usually.  hearts pablo neruda poems, kim addonizio, rumi. runs in high-heels, skips. orders desert first. speaks softly. whispers goodnight in your ear. can point out the constellations... adromeda, capricornus, cepheus, virgo.  curses in french. promises to remember birthdays. buys european lingerie and dreams of places she's never been. saves and saves and never manages to have money.  may have caused that wreck you were in. will lose her heart.  regrets. thinks scars give you character.  falls down and did not jump back up. the feeling of my back on grass, ticklish, goosebumps. loves poems, words, hard words that tell the truth. will learn to whistle. loves family and mother's cooking, dad's storytelling.  ignores valentines and wont return phone calls.  can't say no to you, so be careful with what you ask of her.  daydreams in silent movies. wishes to forget it all tomorrow.  doesn't want roses and chocolates- - - wants a kiss, wants lilies. wants to read trashy romance novels and great american literature. wants nothing from you. nothing at all. fidgets, giggles, smiles, winks,... wishes you never saw her.  will take it all away someday.  who said romance was the queen of love? kiss, kiss, lets go for a walk.
      and this is she...
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