**Hawaii Reflections**

S. S. Independence Docked in Maui

S.S. Independence

Hawaiian sunrise

Hawaiian sunrise

Hawaiian sunrise

Our dinner companions
Front row: Pat (or is that Martha?), Janet, Rick; Back row: Kathy, Frank (our waiter extraordinaire), Marilyn; Not shown: Jim - the photographer
Jim, Tiffany, and Kathy
Tiffany is one of the talented and lovely young ladies of the entertainment crew; also performs in Branson, MO and as a Rockette at Radio City Music Hall for the Christmas show

Tiffany and Kamana'o

Our Anniversary portrait

Boarding the SS Independence

Captain's Welcome Party

Postcard of Memories

Dressed up for Polynesian Night

[Island of Oahu] [Island of Kauai] [Island of Maui] [Hawaii Botanical Gardens] [Hilo, Hawaii] [Kona, Hawaii] [Pearl Harbor]

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