Jim's Practice Room

About Musician

  • Musician's real name is Jim Smith.
    Stitcher (Kathy) and I live in a small town in Northeastern Pennslylvania.
    We built and moved into a new home in late summer, 1996.
    We are located approximately 10 miles northeast of Scranton.

  • I'm a high school Band Director at Lackawanna Trail Junior-Senior High School.
    I conduct the Concert Band.

    I also teach general music to seventh and eighth graders
    and conduct concert bands at this level.

  • We are definitely dog lovers---we have 3!

    ---a 16 year old Chihuahua named Maria [now resides in Doggie Heaven]
    (believe it or not, she was a wedding gift)

    ---a 16 year old Papillon named Ch. Tuinluv's Grand Finallee
    ---and a 12 year old Papillon named Tuinluv's-n-Marquis Embrace

    Our latest addition to the brood- Pepper - 6 yr old male chihuahua

    If you met these ladies & gent you would love them as much as we do!!

  • Stitcher and I enjoy traveling----especially cruises--4 in the past 5 summers
    Southern Caribbean / Canada and New England / Bermuda / Hawaii
    In our opinion, cruises are the best value for your vacation dollar

    Try a cruise --- we're sure you'll LOVE it!!

  • Ocassionally we even get in a round of golf
    Stitcher usually wins! -- You should see her drive *lol*

  • I also enjoy Bowling!
    (My golf score is often times higher than my bowling score *g*

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