Rock -N- Roll
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My name is Ron Barboza. AKA (Ronnie Barr) I am an Aspiring Musician just like yourself, I write lyrics as well as arrangements, produce all of my own music and play various instruments. I have been told by countless others in the music industry that I have what it takes musically and that my writing and vocal abilities are chart worthy, So you ask, why am I not in Nashville beating on doors? I'll tell you why, I have a family, a mortgage and a job that doesn't allow me much time for travel. Some would think that I must not be very serious about it then, or I really am not very good, I should sell that house quit my job and move my family to a place where dreams come true. Or do they? Right now in music city alone the odds of being discovered and signed to a major label are over 6000 to 1 (And that's a low ball number) Even if you are the next Garth Brooks. Its all about timing and exposure. What if there were more companies interested in helping the little known underdog to be heard, a company in business solely for the purpose of giving those producers and major artists a site where someone like you or me can be viewed seriously? What kind of price tag would you put on such a site?  How about zero, nothing, Not one red cent. I need you as much as you need me, Remember our country was founded on the belief that United We Stand, and so we shall, If you are as serious and dedicated to the pursuit of your dreams without the cost of loosing all you have worked so hard to build for yourself and your families as I am, Then come inside and join the search for stardom, welcome to Musicians Hope.

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Song of the Month
Ronnie Barr
Opening Song 'Emeralds'
Lyrics, Music, Producer, Ronnie Barr
If you are unable to produce .wav or .midi files of your music there is a $20.00 processing fee for Musicians Hope Producers to turn your music into .wav or .midi files for this website, that is for each CD received, thank you.   Please use the paypal button to use your credit card and then e-mail Sherri Emily ([email protected])  and request mailing address to send CD and lyrics...Thank you!,

If you would rather pay by check or money order please include with your CD and typed out lryics, all checks have a 10 day hold and is subject to a $25.00 return check fee. Sorry but that's what my bank charges me.. Please write checks out to Sherri E. Avery. Then use e-mail above to request mailing address to send...Thank you
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