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Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3

Season 1 (2005)

Episode Description
Minimum Wage  Morgan Spurlock and his fiancé attempt to live by working for minimum wage for a month. #101. 6/15/05
Anti-Aging A former athlete is given an anti-aging drug to combat the aging process. #102. 6/22/05
Muslims and America A Christian agrees to live with a Muslim family in Dearborn, MI. #103. 6/29/05
Straight Man in a Gay World A 24-year-old conservative heterosexual man travels to San Francisco and immerses himself in the gay culture. #104. 7/6/05
Off the Grid  Modern conveniences, such as electricity and packaged foods, are given up by a nightclub bouncer from New York and an events organizer from New Jersey, causing them to learn to utilize solar power and use water conservation systems. #105. 7/13/05
Binge Drinking Mom The mother of a college student binge drinks to show her daughter the harmful effects of alcohol consumption. #106. 7/20/05

Season 2 (2006)

Episode Description
Immigration A Cuban man with strong anti-illegal immigration views lives with a family of illegal immigrants. #201. 7/26/06
Outsourcing A man who lost his job to outsourcing travels to India and witnesses the affects of US jobs on the country's culture and work as a phone service rep. #202. 8/2/06
Atheist/Christian A woman who is an atheist lives with a fundamental Christian family. #203. 8/9/06
New Age  A man attempts to find inner peace through unconventional means. #204. 8/16/06
Pro-Choice/Pro-Life A woman who is pro-choice lives in a group home for pregnant women, operated by people who do not believe in abortion. #205. 8/23/06
Jail Morgan Spurlock experiences life in a Richmond, VA county jail for 27 days including solitary. #206. 8/30/06

Season 3 (2008)

Episode Description
Working in a Coal Mine Traveling back to his home state of West Virginia, Morgan lives with Dale and Sandy Lusk, works as an apprentice coal miner, and discusses the pros and cons of the coal mining industry with executives and environmentalists in the region. #301. 6/3/08
In a Wheelchair Retired NFL player Ray Crockett volunteers to live in a wheelchair for 30 days, and during this time he coaches his son's junior football team, participates in wheelchair rugby games, and attends a support group for paraplegics at a rehab facility. #302. 6/10/08
Animal Rights Volunteering to work as an animal rights activist for 30 days in California, avid hunter George Snedeker lives with 29-year-old vegan Melissa Karpel, a campaign coordinator for PETA, and works with various organizations such as Last Chance for Animals. #303. 6/17/08
Same Sex Parenting Kati, an orphaned Mormon mother of two adopted sons, volunteers to live with domestic partners Dennis and Thomas Patrick and their four children for 30 days; Kati attends church with the family, helps in daily activities and discusses same-sex parenting issues. #304. 6/24/08
Gun Nation Pia, a Massachusetts woman who supports gun control legislation experiences the world of gun enthusiasts when she spends 30 days living with two firearm aficionados in Ohio, working in a store that sells guns, and learning how to operate a gun. #305. 7/1/08
Life on an Indian Reservation Morgan travels to the Navajo Nation in New Mexico to live with a Native American family on a reservation, learn about the Navajo culture, work in a tire repair shop and confront the hardships that reservation residents often face during harsh economic times. #306. 7/8/08

© 2005-08 Thrawn for Thrawn's Realm

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