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Season 1

This half hour A&E series did what Cops showed in Season 3. The weird thing is the segments were filmed in 2006. Remember your first day at your new job? Now imagine being a police officer. Shot on location in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana and Tampa, Florida, puts viewers in the squad car as each rookie heads out on patrol for the first time. Each week viewers will join the journey as rookies learn how to patrol the tough city streets with their field training officer (FTO). These veteran cops teach the rookies how to survive. Some of these rookies will have what it takes - and others will be asking themselves if they can take the heat in one of the toughest jobs in America. It was taped in mid 2006, no word why it took over 2 years to air.

 Season 1 (2008)

# Description
101 Tampa: Class Begins - Tampa, FL Graduation - Hugh Herndon (27) & Anthony AJ Cafaro (24) Day 1 at 7am - Sgt. E.J. Diaz says training is over, you can get killed on this job, most important is going home safe. Hugh was a teacher 6 months ago and fell in love with it after a ride along. FTO Danny Rhodes takes him out. He says you can draw your weapon, you can't do that as a teacher. Signal 41 Disturbance - a woman says a lady is walking around yelling and exposing herself. She does it all the time. The suspect says it’s a lie. They say they have witnesses. She can’t go back here, it’s trespassing, they are warning her. She curses Dan out and they go to cuff her and she starts screaming at them and cursing that they can’t break her wrist. Dan was glad he grabbed her arm, stopped her from attacking. It’s a felony, but she has mental problems. Anthony was a restaurant manager. FTO Britt Martinez trains him. Signal 21 - 2 men jumped into someone’s car. His door is open when they pull up. A man says they jumped into his truck so he has to fingerprint it, but he doesn’t remember how. He gets the black all over his face and they all laugh at him. Hugh drives around looking for trouble. They see a fight and go out and break it up. A woman yells she was attacked. A call of a male Mexican with a gun in the area comes in, then an officer assistance call and they go running. Signal 54 - around the corner is a huge group of people screaming and cops telling them to get back. There are 6 cops there and 12 people yelling. Dan tells him what to do, where to stand, it was a rush. AJ goes to a Signal 7 call of a man stabbed to death. A man is lying stiff and bloody in his doorway. It’s fresh and blood is everywhere. He doesn’t even think of it as a crime scene and spits. Signals & Codes test - Sgt. Mark Delarge gives Mark a lecture because he does bad on it. It can’t happen again. Dan goes in for coffee and switches with his twin brother Officer Dusty Rhodes to see if Hugh notices him. It takes him a minute before he does. They say he passes. Signal 39 - AJ is briefed for his first search warrant. A huge group goes through the door and AJ passes the last prisoner he’s supposed to watch. He shows the drugs they found and was pretty confused. Signal 39 - Hugh goes to a drug area and knows 2 of the kids he had in school at Middleton. They ask how he became a cop. They check them for drugs and find crack on 1 guy. They call him Mr. Herndon, he says it's officer now. Signal 24 aggravated battery - A woman was hit in the head with a bat. Witnesses don’t know where the guy is who did it. Loretta says he came across the street, paid this guy Mike and screams. Britt tells him not to stand there, write things down. She tells him to ask the sgt. if he wants a 10-98 and he doesn’t know what that is and tells the sarge, he says good and doesn’t know if he wants it or not. He’s totally lost. He says there was nothing fun about this at all, if it’s like this every day he can’t take it. Hugh did well the first week, after a few days AJ quit. 10/21/08
102 Jefferson: The Shootout - Jefferson Parish, LA - Mark Monson is nervous, it’s all real now. They are 5 miles outside New Orleans and he shows a FEMA trailer park. He must go with a trainer for 12 weeks. FTO Denise Licciardi is with him. He says she looks mean, like a Terminator. She says rookies act like they know it all. He doesn’t want to take orders from a woman. She wants him to make a traffic stop. He stops a man running a stop sign and it's a federal agent with a gun. He was in a hurry and they let him go. He walks wide to the car which is bad. Henry Conravey is with FTO Todd Rivere. He did 10 years in the military, 1 year in Iraq. Code 34 - shots fired. A man was shot at 10 times. A woman says it happens all the time, it’s a neighbor shooting at the house. They check the house for bullets then hear more shots fired and look for cover. They look for the shooter, then hear more shots down the road. Other cops get their victim from before. He came back to retaliate shooting into a truck. Todd says he did well, but don’t be overconfident, that will get you hurt. 10/21/08
103 Tampa: Size Doesn't Matter - Graduation for Amy R. Hess (24) & Tommie Tolbert (32). Day 1 - Amy came from WV, is small, shy and is with FTO Britt Martinez. She’s sweet and young which doesn’t always work in this job. It’s not about physical size, it’s about heart. Signal 42 - They spot a stalled car in the middle of the road and help push him off the road into a parking lot. Tom was raised in Tampa, used to work in probation. FTO Tim Gaddis takes him. They make it stressful to see if they can handle it. For fun he BBQs, watches football, used to write poems for guys girlfriends. Signal 45 - House fire. They have to keep everybody back. A woman says someone kicked in the door, heavy set, 210 pounds, black, dreads. Another man says he was bald. They have a lineup for her. The victim is flipping out and he holds her back. Cpl Jeff Shearer says he’s just standing there. He needs to be proactive, have his notepad out, get witnesses. Signal 39 - Search warrant. They are going for a black man who bought guns. Amy is going to be the marked unit driving, not Britt and she’s really nervous. They are following the tank, she is supposed to make traffic move out of the way, not go around. She blocks the intersections for them. They are to follow and watch for anyone running outside. They are called in to search a female suspect. They find a drug stash and scales. 10/28/08
104 Jefferson: One More Time - Mark Monson (25) did 12 weeks of training with an FTO, his first evaluation didn’t go well, getting ready for his second. It’s his last day of training with Denise. He goes to lunch with her, it didn’t go well, he panicked, choked from not finding the street. She asks why. He was in the car with the sarge and panicked. Next time call someone. She says he can do this and if he messes up it makes her look bad. Signal 24 - Medical ambulance emergency. A 13 year old boy says his mom is passed out in the street. He helps assist the medics and wants to do more. They race out to block traffic in an intersection. Denise says he did well. Code 18 - Traffic incident. He pulls over a car for running a stop sign. He has him come over with the info and pats him down. She says he did good, nothing to worry about. He has his second test with Sgt. Michael Carrone and he asks if he says a girlfriend. He’s recently engaged. He takes him to a cemetery where Officer Joanne "Jojo" Couzynse was killed by a drunk at a traffic stop 11/9/83 and he has him clean her headstone. He is very shaken, it hit home, but is honored and hopes he would be remembered the same way. 10/28/08
105 Tampa: The Birth of a Rookie - Dennis C. Cooper Jr. (26) & Hugh Herndon (27). Dennis has K-9 trainging and never got bit by a dog before. FTO Danny Rhodes is grading Hugh on 35 things, on everything. Signal 44 - suspicious person. He says this is a dangerous intersection, lots of drugs. Sgt. E.J. Diaz arrives. They go up and search people. E.J. says you don’t search guys with their arms out, they could swing on you. Hold their hands with one hand. Dennis was in the Navy for 8 years and doesn’t think this is hard. MPO Fred Arnold wants them to be able to multitask. If they are cocky they can’t cut it. He’s married with a son, wife is pregnant now. Signal 24 - aggravated assault. They get a call of a black man with a gun. They pull up and there are people all over the street. They talk to witnesses and get a description. One says the guy is around the corner with the gun. They go over and tackle the guy off the bike. Dennis says he definitely had dreadlocks, but this isn’t the guy. They spot a guy riding a bike with dreads and stop him. Sgt. Mark Delage talks to him, he denies it all and they say everyone saw it. He tells him to shackle him if he kicks. He does the paperwork for 30 minutes, only 1 chance at it and the guy is kicking the whole time. Finally they go to shackle him and he flips out and fights all 3 of them. He kicks and spins at 4 of them. His mother is there yelling at him to stop. He says he will smash someone’s brain. His mom says he will not. Dennis says he’s the first one for him to struggle with, it was fun. 11/4/08
106 Jefferson: My Name on a Plaque - Joshua Norris is excited to start, he has 2 brothers who are cops. St. Michael is the patron saint of police, he always wears him around his neck. Officer Danny Bostic is training him. Anyone can say they want to be a cop, but you have to get in the streets first to prove it. Danny wants him to speak up more. Code 107 - suspicious persons. They pull up to a group of black guys with saggy pants. They find bullets and ask where the gun is. They act ignorant so they look around for a gun and find a rifle. They want Josh to be aware and speak up. They spot a guy in a stolen car and want to get him when he goes to it. They all run over and Josh stays back. They make him bring the car up. The car matches the description of the one they wanted. Code 21 - simple dispute. A man parked where he wasn’t supposed to and it turned into a fight. There are people all over. Danny doesn’t want his gun facing a suspect gun and moves him back. He wants him squared off, his gun away from the person he’s talking to. Josh thought he was OK. He should be further along, he doesn’t have self confidence. 6 weeks later - Sgt. Lori Arnuad will talk to him because Danny is worried. He needs to break out of his shell. He doesn’t know which question to ask on which call. She was the same way when she started. Danny makes him fill out a form to see if he’s watching. He has to be on his own now, Danny will be staying back. Code 4 - equipment violation. They spot a truck with the tag blocked. They have the driver come out to look at the plate. They ask for insurance and he says it’s under the seat. There is nothing there but Popeye’s receipts. They run him and he’s wanted for drugs. Danny says that was a good stop. It’s his last day with Danny, he’s stepping up and taking charge. Week 9 - FTO Frank Caracci is with him now. They ask what he hasn’t covered. Murder, suicide, those kinds. Then he will take him to those calls. Code 24 - medical/ambulance request. There is a 9 year old child not breathing, turning blue. The mom is freaking out and they say EMS is on the way. Josh is to get medical information. Mom asks if she’s dead. Frank says he doesn't know, but he does. She has a history of seizures and strangled herself in the sheets at night. She had CP and they have to investigate. Frank says he did a good job. Week 12 - Danny says Josh made it and has a surprise for him, his own car. He didn’t think he was getting a car. He gives him a law book to read over, he won’t be training him, but can call him about it. He passed his test on 6/10/06, then got engaged 7/4. He went to a domestic dispute 8:45pm on 7/5/07 and Danny backed him up and there were shots fired, a guy was behind a bush. Then it was silence, he turned and Josh was face down, it was like an eternity he was alone out there, though it was a minute. He went to him, saw the blood, he was hit once and killed. It was like losing a family member. They show the funeral and his picture on the wall in the station. Joshua Norris 1986-2007. #106. 11/4/08 (He was wearing a vest, but one shot went through the armpit into his vital organs. The suspect committed suicide.)
107 Tampa: A Deer in Headlights - Elton Johnson (24) & April P. Levine (24). Day 1 - 2pm - Elton says he’s a country boy from Alabama. It’s his first real job out of college. FTO Danny Rhodes takes him out. He’s like a big brother. It’s nerve racking since they don’t have any experience with anything. Signal 39 - Narcotics Operation. Sgt. Steve Lee briefs them. They are going to be in the marked car. The cop is UC selling. A woman comes up to buy and they run over and cuff her. Danny has him tighten the cuffs so she doesn't get out since she's skinny. He has him ask questions to document it to the judge. April is the first female in a family of male cops. FTO Mike Flynn doesn’t want her to bring a pink bag in is car. He doesn’t think she knows what she’s in for because she’s confident about it. Signal 24 - aggravated battery. The call is of a man stabbed in the street. An old man has his arm bandaged. He says he fell off the ladder in the back. They know it’s a lie. He says he can’t lie, it was his neighbor. He was letting him use his water for $300 a month and didn’t want to pay. They go to his house and they won’t open up. A woman comes out the side and says he jumped out the back window. They go inside to check for him. He wants April to keep her gun up where she is looking and gets mad when she does it again. The woman has 4 kids, she doesn’t want trouble. She calls him crying that he could get hurt. He says he’s on Julie and G. He warns April that he’s dangerous and scared, to be authoritative. They have him come over and cuff him. 11/11/08
108 Jefferson: Toy Gun - Rebecca Webster's first day, takes more time to get ready since she's a girl with makeup and hair, has to work twice as hard to prove she’s as good as a man. FTO Ray Gorman is with her. He likes to be alone, but they make him do it. He tried to get out of it. She is worried that he's not into it. Code 18 - abandoned vehicle. There is no plate and she wants to do the work to show she can do it. He wants her to slow down. She makes mistakes, he tells her what to say, 4 tires up, have it towed, exciting call. John Wiebelt says watching Cops on TV made him want to do this. FTO Frank Caracci takes him. He likes to be proactive. Code 4 - equipment violation. He looked at them twice and drove off. They have probable cause to stop him with no rearview mirror. They see rolling papers. He says he has no drugs. They saw him like he was trying to make a buy. They run him and he has a warrant. John is learning tricks of finding drugs. Code 47 - patrolling district - they go an area known for drugs and violence. They spot a guy with a gun and get out. It’s 4 guys with what looks like an assault rifle. Code 95.6 - armed with a gun. April comes to back them up. They cuff them and they say it’s a toy gun. They were holding it like it was real, has a scope and light. It's not illegal, but they shouldn’t have it out by the street. 11/11/08
109 Jefferson: Riding Solo - Christopher Cade (21) is on his 10th week, crime is bad after Katrina. He’s looking forward to getting his own car, it’s a status symbol to achieve that, but it’s mainly playing with the lights. FTO Derek Johnson trains him, he’s counting the days. He’s fun, but has a lot to learn. He’s young, but hasn’t had many bad habits. Signal 64 - armed robbery. He’s supposed to be in a brown Jeep, he’s armed and has used it and will use a gun on them. The Jeep blows a stop sign and they pull him over. He has no license, says he’s from around here. He’s being real. They check him and he’s clean. Chris is supposed to check the car and doesn’t. If he tells him, to do it. He’s like 16 just driving. Henry Conravey III says it’s nerveracking. Sgt. Edward Manix will be evaluating him, if he has questions ask, otherwise he’s not there. He can’t get the computer to work and that’s a problem, he’ll have to call someone else. Code 21 - 911 call hang up. He doesn’t know where he’s going exactly, that’s bad. They gave him directions. He goes to the woman, she says she didn’t call, threatened to call on her son, she wants to put him out. Cheryl Blanchard asks Ed how he’s doing. He’s very nervous. He didn’t get to redeem himself. 11/18/08
110 Tampa: There's a New FTO in Town - Dennis Cooper tells the officers he just had a girl. He served in the Navy and wanted to serve down here. FTO Fred Arnold is training him, he is very critical of them. Has to be tough, it’s hard. Signal 74 - building check. They go check a house and he pulls in the driveway which he isn’t supposed to. Sgt. Mark Delarge comes up and steals the car on him. He left it running and dind't notice it was gone. They did that on purpose, needs to keep an eye on it, it could end his career. Amy Hess (24) isn’t intimidated about guns, came from WV, it’s a high speed job and is physically challenging. FTO Britt Martinez doesn’t treat male or female trainees different. She has to step up to the plate to deal with things. She was in college before this. Signal 2 - public intoxication. The guy was sleeping on the curb which doesn’t look good. EMS looks at him. He says he’s suicidal and she has to walk him away. He asks what a pretty girl is doing as a cop. They would make bitchy supermodels. She’s going to get that a lot, has to get used to it. She makes an illegal u-turn. Britt says she doesn’t want her to wreck her car. Signal 4 - traffic crash. A car flipped over, it’s lights and sirens, but have to look out for people. Britt gives her high energy directions. She needs to wear her seatbelt, takes a turn too fast, has her set up to block traffic. Amy needs to turn off her radio so they can call in. No injuries. Amy has to ask the details for everything, it’s a lot of stress and work. A tow truck driver has to come flip it so they can check the VIN. She was confused about it all. 11/18/08
111 Jefferson: Rookie Love - Marc Macaluso (28) grew up on the east side, really liked seeing people get the bad guys. He has 2 weeks to go. Rebecca Webster (27) worked in the jail 3 years, has a couple weeks to go, lived in the country with no streets to be street smart on. They both go to the range and have been dating a year and half. If one makes it and the other doesn’t she doesn’t think it’ll matter. FTO Nick Cottone trains him. He’s heard he’s good. They are looking for crimes in progress and a known dope dealer. They see him there and get out to stop him. They search for drugs on him. He says he has nothing. They find a push rod a knife. There is a crack pipe there and he says it was the other guy’s. They have to let him go. Marc took his hands off him which wasn’t good. FTO Greg Joerger trains her. They don’t have many female cops. They don’t want them to get hurt so they train them harder. Code 40.2 - stalking. A 77 year old man is suicidal, making threats to a woman. Det Donald Zanotelli says he has a gun, has nothing to live for, is sick, need to watch out. Check everything, watch the windows. They have a warrant, he knows it. They knock, he’s not home. She stood in front of the window too long. 11/25/08
112 Tampa: It's a Deadly Profession - April Levine (24) is the first female in a family of cops. She is glad she has someone to talk to. FTO Mike Flynn is with her, he is harder than the others, wants to see improvement every day. Signal 50 - traffic stop. A car blows a stop sign in front of them. She runs him and he has a warrant 10-81 for FTA form 3 years ago. He has a broken arm and she has to cuff and search him. Mike reprimands her for not touching him enough and not watching that cast which could be a weapon. Tommie Tolbert (32) is peaceful, doesn’t like a lot of ruckus. He was in the Marines and the Florida national guard. Before this he worked in the jail. He’s serious, they tell him to relax. FTO Tim Gaddis takes him out. Signal 25 - burglary. They go to a house where the windows are broken out. The woman says she left work at 6:15am. Tim says not to touch anything, they need prints. The window has been broken from the inside, something doesn’t add up. Could be someone inside did it for drugs. FTO Mark McGowen is now with April. People with negative attitudes don’t make it. Signal 73 - domestic dispute. 11/25/08
113 Tampa: Finding the Cop Voice - Sgt. Mark DeLage tells Dennis Cooper to get out there on the radio and do it. He was in the Navy for 8 years which gives him an edge. FTO Fred Arnold says self confidence is better than cockiness. If you are stiff you look like a rookie. Signal 23 - robbery. Doris says she’s been robbed, she just found out today. Alex is gone, he’s her pet bird. She was taken by Ida, you don’t know Alex, you don’t know parrot psychology. He goes out and calls Ida. She says they were taken to the shelter so they could do termites. He tells her the birds are OK, she can get them later. She is so happy. Fred says it took a little long, but he did well. Elton Johnson (24) is from Alabama, wants ot be out there and help people. FTO Danny Rhodes is with him. Signal 25 - burglary. They get a call of boxes stolen. A man says it was one black guy, white t-shirt. They have to clear the house first. Dan says he didn’t have the flashlight in the right place. Signal 39 - search warrant. Mark wants Dennis to be able to chase these kids down. He’s serious, they are runners. They run into the house and grab the suspects and search the house for drugs. He finds coke. There are boxes of pills, he’s dealing heavily. There is also coke. They ask Dennis how he feels. It was nerves, they were moving. 12/2/08
114 Tampa: Command Presence - FTO Britt Martinez tells Amy Hess she is failing on officer safety, that’s not good, it’s what gets people killed. She feels a lot of pressure this week. Britt says there is a lot of stress, they are always being graded, not maintaining standards can make you fail. Signal 30 - forgery. They have to go to a pharmacy about a forged prescription. Javier has a baby in a carrier. They have to put her in their car and have to call the woman about it. The paper has things crossed out and she has to ask him what they know and look for lies. He says it was 90 pills for pain medication. The paper says 390. He says he didn’t look. Obviously it’s been changed. FTO Tim Gaddis says he is having trouble getting out to the calls. Tommie Tolbert says he's disciplined, doesn’t like a lot of drama. Tim says they look like a deer in the headlights, so you have to get them out there. Signal 39 - search warrant. It’s for coke, the guy runs whenever he sees cops. He tells him to keep the gun down, don’t point them in the backs of other cops. You have to hone their skills. They go the opposite of Rodriguez when he goes in. He’s nervous, doesn’t know what he’s walking in to. They rush in and there is a woman with a baby screaming. They have to search for weapons. He finds a box cutter and a basket of ammo. Tom says it was intense. Tim says he did good. 12/2/08
115 Jefferson: The Lost Rookie - firing range. Nick Buttone (23) wants the excitement, jumping fences, tackling. Week 5 - he goes with FTO Mike Tisdale. He’s looking for exciting calls. He tells him to get 1 of each form. It’s time to step it up for more reports. The only way to learn is repetition. Mike likes making stops for expired tags. He wants more action than that. Code 18 - traffic incident. They pull over a car in the Win Dixie parking lot. He tells him his plate is expired. Nick would rather get a gun off the street than give a ticket. A plate won’t get someone killed. Charles Lee (33) was in the army. He has 4 kids, he had to train older guys, it’s different now. FTO Greg Joerger says it’s different than the military, this is 24/7. He takes him to Mary Poppins, it’s a bad area. He warns him to have Advil. He’s seen it all out here, drugs, guns. Charles has 4 sons in 1 room, he can take it all. He misses the radio call. Code 107 - suspicious persons. The call is of 3 black men selling drugs. They both have to chase the same guy if they run. A man says the two guys ran over there, they took his wallet last night. They spot them and they take off. Greg radios for backup. They are running all over and Greg is out of breath, but Charles keeps going and Greg loses him. He told him to stay with him and he didn’t listen. He’s supposed to stay with his FTO no matter what, he could get suspended for that. Charles calls in where he is. He went 3 blocks before he didn’t know Charles was there. He is responsible for him, doesn’t want him to get hurt. They lost the guy. 12/2/08
116 Jefferson: Step Up or Step Off - Kevin McGuffie goes in for his first day. FTO Danny Bostic is with him. He wants to make sure he has what it takes. They are in the second district. Kevin knows he’s good and wants to learn from him. Code 18 - vehicle ran red light. Danny wants him to make a traffic stop. He pulls him out and asks for his ID. Danny says wait, he can’t go back, you have a weapon? He might have a pistol in the center console. It’s a big mistake, don’t let them go back, it’s a red flag. Put yourself between him and the weapon so he can't get back. That’s when you get hurt. He might’ve saved his life. Vince Capo (30) wanted a career change. FTO Mike Pizzolato says he has to watch both of them. He doesn’t like them to do wrong things he explained. Things will shock him out here. Ever been to a crack house? No. Then we are going tonight. You’ll see lives downhill. There is always a chance someone is in the house. The garage door and front door are open. The place is full of trash inside and out. He didn’t expect it be this dirty, nasty and can’t believe the smell. It’s been empty since Katrina, he checks it periodically, things change inside. He’s never seen anything that bad. 12/2/08

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