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Frelinghuysen Elementary School
Home of the Mustangs
Open Public Meeting Statement

Salute to the Flag

Roll Call:
Gregory Ackerson
Janet DeFilippis, Vice President
David Hocking
Joseph Leno
Dorothy Marra
Steven Peterson, President
Meaggan Stephens
Mark Williard

Request for Executive Session

Hearing & Petitions of Citizens

Committee Reports:
Curriculum    NJ School Board Representative  Facility     Personnel
Finance    Policy  
Warren County School Board Representative

  Voting Method:  * Majority vote of those present
  ^ Roll call vote must pass by an affirmative vote of the majority of the full board
  # Roll call vote must pass by an affirmative vote of 2/3rd of the full board
@ Affirmative vote of 2/3rd of the full board
  + Affirmative vote of three-quarters of the members present

Hearing and Petition of Citizens

1) North Warren Regional Board of Education-referendum
2) Donna Eitner and Sandie Irizarry- BOE vacancy

Swearing in of Board Member

Request for Executive Session

Committee Reports:
Curriculum    NJ School Board Representative
Facility           Personnel
Finance          ***Policy-6:45 pm prior to bd. mtg.
Warren County School Board Representative


Discussion Items-

Superintendent�s Report

CSA Recommendations/Action Items �
^1.   Motion to approve 2007/2008 tuition contract with Willowglen Academy, Sparta, NJ for one (1)
        student in the amount of $59,508.

^2.   Motion to approve 2007/2008 Special Education transportation contract with Sussex County
        Regional Cooperative. for one (1) student to attend Willowglen Academy in the amount of

^3.   Motion to approve 2007/2008 joint transportation agreement with North Warren Regional
        School District for one student (Ridge & Valley Charter School) in the amount of $ 684.00.

^4.   Motion to approve 2007/2008 joint transportation agreement with Allamuchy Township School
        District for field trips in the amount of $2,400.
*5.   Motion to approve for first reading Policy # 5118 Nonresidents.

^6.   Motion to accept 2008 No Child Left Behind funds in the amount of $ 8,487 to the consortium
        with Blairstown Township School District as the LEA. 
        NCLB Funds:
        Title II Part A          $7,895
        Title IV                        362
        Title V                         230

^7.   Motion to accept 2008 Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004-part B             (IDEA) funds in the amount of $38,242 for Basic and $3,323 for Preschool.

^8.  Motion to accept 2008 Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) funds in the amount of


*1.   Approval of Minutes:
                  Board Minutes-July 18, 2007

^2.   Approval of Bills & Claims:
        Payroll B/List-07/30    $ 16,157.63          EFT#0730
        Payroll B/List-08/15    $ 15,116.99          EFT#0815
        Bill List #2                 $ 29,740.44          CK#10130-10140
        Bill List #3                 $ 55,978.00          CK#10141-10188
        Caf� Bill List-June    $ 13,899.18          CK#1271-1274

^3.   Approval of Transfers-July 2007

^4.   Approval to accept; certify and file the Treasurer�s and Board Secretary�s financial reports for
       July 2007 and note that sufficient funds are available to meet the districts financial obligations
       and that no major account has been over-expended in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A23-2.11.  
       Board Secretary�s Report   in packet
       Treasurer�s Report    in packet

1) Sandie Irizarry�s letter-open seat on the BOE
2) Donna Eitner's letter-open seat on the BOE
3) Joanne Borin, NJ School Board Field Representative will attend the Sept. 5th BOE meeting to
    recognize David Hocking for his 20 years of service to FTS

Hearing & Petition of Citizens

Request for Executive Session

August 22, 2007     7:30 PM
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