The Benefits from Pomegranates



"Wherein is fruit, the date palm and pomegranate .Which is it, of the favors of your Lord, that ye deny?"

[Surah ar-rahman; 68]

Listed below are some common problems and ailments which can easily be cured from the use of Pomegranates:

General health
Drink half a glass of pomegranate juice (or the equivelent) a day.

The skin of the fruit is valuable in the treatment of diarrhoea. About 20 grams of the skin and 3 grams of cloves or cinnamon should be boiled well in about 250 ml of water. When cool, the patient should drink 30 to 40 ml of the liquid thrice a day for a few days.

Hoarseness or Loss of Voice
Boil about 20 grams of the skin and two to three grams of alum in 250 ml water. Use the liquid for gargling.

Mix a little honey with a teaspoon of the juice of the fruit. Warm the mixture and administer two to three drops into the affected ear. The ache should disappear.

Bad Vision or Weakening Eyesight
Fill fresh sweet pomegranate juice in a small bottle; leave in the sun. The juice will thicken in a few days. This is excellent for the eyes. Apply in the eyes. The more mature the juice becomes the more effective it is.

Digestive and Kidney Disorders, Poor Appetite, and Diminished S-xual Power
Pour about one and half litres of the juice in a bowl until the sediments settle. Separate the juice from the sediments and sieve through a clean cloth. Pour in a bottle so that it fills it to two thirds. Add 250 grams candy sugar and ten grams ground fennel. Leave in the sun for a week but shake it a number of times daily. Give the patient 30 - 100 grams once daily. This is an effective treatment for the above disorders.

Sprinkle a little salt and pepper on the fresh seeds and eat.

Poor Appetite and Digestive Disorders
Make regular use of the pure juice of the fruit in the case of poor appetite. The juice is also good in simple colitis in which the colon is inflamed, characterised by diarrhoea; and mucous colitis in which the mucous membrane of the colon is inflamed, characterised by colicky pain, and constipation or diarrhoea. The juice is an excellent remedy in dysentery, inflammation and ulceration of the lower part of the colon, characterised by pain and diarrhoea with bloody stools and mucus. For nausea and morning sickness characterised by excessive secretion of bile, a tablespoon of the fresh juice mixed with equal quantity of honey, is an effective remedy.

Intestinal Worms
The root-bark of the pomegranate tree is highly toxic to intestinal worms. Boil the bark of a two- inches long root in a cup of water. Half a cup of the decoction should be given thrice a day at intervals of two hours to an adult. Two hours after the last dose he should be given castor oil to purge the system. The dose for children is 1/3 of the adult.

Mix a pinch of saffron powder to a glass of the juice. This beverage is very useu in fevers and it allays thirst felt in fever.

Anal problems
Itching in the anal region is very often the result of parasites in the intestines that go to the anal area to lay their eggs causing local itching. Roast the skin of the pomegranate until it is dark brown and brittle. Crush then powder to a fine texture; mix with a little edible oil and apply over the anus.

Teeth and Gum Disorder
Regular use of the toothpowder of the rind helps in preventing and curing tooth decay and gum disease. It cleans the teeth, leaving them sparkling white. To make the powder, dry the rind in the sun until it is brittle. Powder, mix with a little fine black pepper and store in a jar. Use everyday with a toothbrush, or apply and rub with the finger.

Bleeding Piles
Pound about ten grams of the skin of the sour variety of the fruit. Boil in about 250 ml water. Sweeten with sugar and drink in the morning and evening.

Pomegranates contain high concentrations of antioxidant polyphenols that may help protect against breast cancer.

Cardiovascular diseases
Pomegranates have recently been found to boost the activity of an enzyme that protects against damaging changes to cells, as well as reduce cholesterol


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