Ettiquettes in the Masjid


Ettiquettes in the Masjid

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Ettiquettes in the masjid

Throughout the history of Islam, the mosque has always played an important social role. It has been a place of prayer , a centre of political and social activities, an educational institution, and the focal point of communal life. In Muslim countries, the mosque serves various functions depending on the political and social environment.

The mosque combines religious and social activities that encourage active faith and strong community life. Because Islam preaches unity of the spiritual and the worldly aspects of life, community gatherings and mosque-related activities include both social and spiritual elements. Friday-noon prayer, at the mosque, is the most important socio-religious activity of the community.

Mosque attendance contributes to a Muslim's sense of religious identity. Although each member brings an entire lifetime of cultural experience into the mosque, separate past experiences seem to fuse as individuals join together on the basis of their common beliefs. Commitment to religious beliefs is one of the strongest factors influencing the preservation of Islamic Identity.

In spite of the spiritual and social aspects of the Mosque, the Mosque still remains a place of sanctity. Cleanliness in all respects is paramount; purity of mind, body, thoughts and actions. Muslims are expected to be in a state of purity (body, mind, and soul), when he or she visits the mosque. In particular, Muslims perform ablution (washing of hands, face, arms, and feet) before performing prayer.

Muslims prostrate in their prayer, and thus the mosque must be clean. Mosques in North America are carpeted and shoes are removed upon entering. Shouting or raising one's voice unnecessarily, and using improper or foul language are abhorred.

Modesty in dress is expected for both men and women. Visitors are welcome at mosques; however, visitors who are not familiar with Muslim religious practices should contact the administration of one of the local mosques for information and to arrange visits.

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