Lisa's WebPage!
My name is Lisa(i'm FINALLY 15!) and I live in Virginia(and no I don't have that deep south accent..haha). I'm also in  the 10th grade, yup I know i'm a youngin. I am a very musical person. I'm in the Jefferson Forest Marching Band(clarinet section leader), jazz band, and advanced symphonic band. My friends say I am a good dancer(also a great disco dancer). The insturments I play are the clarinet, Bass Clarinet(made district band on that), piano, and I like to sing.
I  got my braces off(on 9/23/02) So thankfull to get that metal junk out of my mouth and get back my regular mouth. Yes! no more food stuck in my teeth!...haha

To my Friends: KARAOKE AT BILLY JOES...(Kirby..I feel good, dum dum dum)

Some goals is my life is I hope to travel to Australia and live there for about 3 years( i'm a bit to obsessed with Australia), go to Arizona State Universty, be a DJ, and start a band

NEW NEW!!: I am going to Australia July 17th,2003...I am A STUDENT AMBASSADOR! YES!
Also Visit for music by me coming (sometime), just type Lisa in the search. I also lookin for anyone whos been or is involved with songwriting and producing.

And Lauren, Hope you Last Marching band Season went WELL! your a awesome sister, even tho we have our quarels.

Also on look for my "ghost" picture and stor
e-mail- [email protected]
aol instant messenger screen name-PiXiE4BeArS yahoo messenger ID- lovely_jazz_singer_grl
I also have MSN Messenger
CLICK THE PICTURE for pictures of me
new ones posted 11-29-02*
AIM OR AOL USERS INSTANT MESSAGE BLoNdL Bot   thats my robot!..and she loves to talk!
Click for pictures of last day of school in 9th grade
Click for My pet pictures!!!!!!
Just a HEY to: Kirby, Hallie, Tiffany,Brian<3 <3, Goran,mary Sydney, Skye, Virginia, Terry(!!!!), Matt, Brent, Taranee, Meg,Tamlyn, Meghan, M's(Emily), Jessie,Sara Katie, Kyle, Lauren, Tember ,Mommy, Daddy, Crumps(grandpa), Grams(grandma, and my greasy devil kitty Seven.
   The "latest"       News!: 

Marching band Competition season is over. We got grand champions at 2 out of 4 competitions. It was a wonderful season! Christmas Parade coming up. I just want to say Clarinets you made my Leadership great and Thanx for all your hard work! I love each and every one of you.
  Also my sister is a senior, so this was her last marching band season. I wish you well SISSY!(even tho' you dont think I care bout you.)
Band concert on the 7th.All district band tryouts on the 14th.
My Schools Band Page! YOU HAVE TO GO HERE!
Please sign my guestbook!, I admit I am desperate for  entries!!
birthday party pics!
Like my new hair cut?...huh huh?
        NAH..I miss my old hair!
Proud To be AMERICAN
Just some *new
12/5/02)* PICS
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