Created:   4/14/03
Updated:  5/16/05
HI! My name is Muzi Suki and I am the creator of this site. I have made a few anime wallpapers and decieded to make a website to post them on. I figured that I could also post my friends wallpapers as well as anyone else who would like me to post their wallpapers on my site as well. If you would like me to post your wallpapers send them to me at [email protected] Hope you enjoy my site!!!! And please sign my guestbook!!!! Make me as happy as Kenshin and Kauro look...
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5/16/05- I'm working on adding some new sections to the site! I also added a few wallpapers to the Inu-Yasha and Rurouni Kenshin sections.

4/17/05- I know it's been ages since I have updated and I am sorry. Life just kinda got REALLY busy for me, but I have some extra time now so I should be able to update.
Dragonball Z Wallpapers
Fushigi Yugi
Gundam Wing Wallpapers
Inu Yasha Wallpapers
Knight Hunters Wallpapers
Rurouni Kenshin Wallpapers
Sailor Moon Wallpapers
Yugi-Oh Wallpapers
Yu Yu Hakusho Wallpapers
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