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MuzK Box Magk
Welcome to my Web-page where I offer Original Music Compositions in MID file format.  Thanks for visiting !
MID files contain the bits and bytes of information necessary for a computer to play back sounds.  The files can be created by software via an input device or directly with sequencing or similar programs, or a combination of both.  I use the later method plopping (composing) notes on a sheetmusic program called MusicTime by GVOX.   MID files are about 1/10th the size of MP3 files, which are about 1/10 the size of audio files (live recordings) - the disadvantage - no vocals are available (yet). Also, since MID files are information, the output is dependent on the soundcard and speakers of the computer - my files are correctly heard with a SSoundblaster soundcard or compatible.  Please enjoy and let me know what you think.
Now for some ideas that I'm waiting for all you entrepreneurs out there to contact me about.
1) Perforated aluminum foil - you know, for the grill or barbecue - saves cleaning the grate and I still get grill marks on the food.   (Currently using a fork to create this.)
2) Laser sighted putter - great for assisting with line and stroke mechanics.
3) Grey Hi-lighter - hey, it's on every computer.
4) True network printer - one that collates the sheets to a multi-tray assigned by user so I don't have to leaf through everyone else's output
All music copyrighted 2000-2003 by David Brooks Rea.  All Innovations property of the author. All rights reserved.  All material available for License.
Here's a soundcheck test - compare the MP3 of Shadow's Edge with the MIDI above.  Don't forget to check out the Lyrics while the file is loading.
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