1. What is the largest wildlife habitat in the world?

2. Which whale has horns growing out of its forehead?

3. What kind of bulls swim in sea and sometime eat people?

4. Which whale has the largest brain?

5. Which jelly-fish gives the nastiest sting?

6. What are sharks' skeletons made of?

7. Are sea sponges animals or plant?

8. Seals are mammals, can they sleep under water?

9. How does a squid seize and kill its pray?

10. Which octopus is the most deadly?

11. Why do octopus, squid and cuttlefish squirt clouds of ink?

12. Can some fish fly?

13.What is so unusual about a male seahorse? 

14. Does a lobster have bones?

15. How much food does a blue whale eat in one day?

16. What do crabs do when they get to big for their shell?

17. What is difference between a dolphin and a shark?

18. Which is the most ferocious freshwater fish?

19. How does a ray hide from a predator?

20. What keeps whales, walruses, seals and sea lions warm?

21. Why does the puffer fish inflate itself into a balloon?

22. Which fish can come over land and breath fresh air?

23. What happen when you step on stonefish?

24. Which fish has the longest snout?

25. Why does a catfish have whiskers?

26. How many rows of teeth does a great white shark have?


1. The ocean

2. The narwhale (known as "the unicorn of the sea")

3. Bull shark which can swim up in the river.

4. Sperm whales with brain as heavy as 9.2 kg.

5. The "Portuguese man-of-war" has half a million stingers.

6. They are made entirely cartilage.

7. They are colonies of simple animals that filter food from water.

8. Yes, but they have to wake up every five minutes to come to the surface for breathing. 

9. It seize its prey with the suckers built into its tentacles and then injects it with a deadly nerve poison.

10. The blue-ringed octopus.

11. To confuse their enemies

12. They can not fly like a bird but "flying fish" have large fins that allows them to glide above the waves.

13. It has a pouch in which babies grow safely.

14. No, it has an "exoskeleton" (shell)

15. Blue whale eats four tons of "krill" in one day.

16. They grew a new shall under the old one (the old one cracks up and is thrown away) 

17. A dolphin is a mammal and a shark is a fish.

18. The razor-tooth piranhas of South America that attack anything.

19. It lies flat on the seabed.

20. A thick layer of fat (blubber) under their skins.

21. to make itself large and furious.

22. The lung fish have lungs through which it can breath fresh air.

23. It raises spines along its back to sting you.

24. A swordfish have snout as long as 5feets.

25. The catfish uses its whiskers to sense food.

26. The great white shark has three rows of very sharp teeth.

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