1. How long did dinosaurs inhabit the Earth?

2. What does the name "dinosaur" mean?

3. How many horns did a "triceratops" have own its head?

4. When was the name "dinosaur" first use?

5. Can you name the earliest bird?

6. Which present-day animals are most closely related to dinosaur?

7. When did dinosaur became extinct?

8. Which group of the reptile is the oldest? turtles, lizards or snakes?

9.Which modern creature was iguanodon named after?

10. What do you call resin that has hardened over million of years?

11. What was the size of the brain of an stegosaurus?

12. What does styracosaurus means?

13. What was the size of an egg of a hypselosaurus?

14. How big was hyracotherium (the first horse)?

15. How long did the prehistoric crocodile sarcosuchus grow?

16. Could you find dragonflies flying 320 million years ago?

17. Which dinosaur's name means" terrible lizard"?

18. Which flying dinosaurs had 7-metre wingspan?

19. Where did the prehistoric shark, stethacanthus have its tiny teeth? 

20. Was scelidosaurus a meat-eater or plant-eater?

21. Why did the coelacanth fish, discovered in the Indian ocean in 1938,shock scientist?

22. How do you know what color the dinosaurs were?

23. What fossil fuel we still use?

24. What is the name of that pre-historic hairy elephant-like animal with huge, curved tusks? 

25. In which country have the most dinosaurs remains found?


1. About 165 million years ago.

2. "terrible lizard"

3. Three 

4. The word "dinosaur" was coined in 1842 although was describe as early as 1824.

5. It was archaeopteryx, the first feather flying animal.

6. Crocodiles, alligators and gavials.

7. 65 million years ago.

8. Turtles

9. The present-day iguana lizard, in 1825. 

10. Amber which, sometimes has insect preserved in it.

11. Its tiny brain was of  the size of walnut.

12. Spiked lizard as it had spikes on its head.

13. Only five eggs of an hen would be equal to one egg of this12-metre long reptile.

14. The size of an dog.

15. Up to 15 meters long.

16. Yes, they were flying before any other birds.  

17. Tyrannosaurus    

18. Pteranodons

19. With tiny teeth on its head, this little fish hitched rides on others sharks.

20. A plant-eater

21. It was thought to have died out with the dinosaurs so it is consider as "living fossil".

22. We don't known as colors are not preserved.

23. Mineral coal, petroleum and natural gas.

24. Woolly mammoth or similar mastodon.

25. U.S.A, followed by china. 

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