Welcome to Caleb's Home Page!
The pitter patter of little feet ...

We last updated on June 13, 2004.

It's official: CALEB HAS CUT A TOOTH! One bottom, right incisor has finally broken its way to the surface, we discovered it Saturday. *Sigh*

Caleb turns six months old in three short days and we can hardly believe it. While Roger says he feels as though Caleb has always been a part of our lives, Miyo can't believe how quickly these six months have passed. Before Caleb's arrival, six months seemed almost an eternity.

Our news for now is that Caleb, poor guy, is teething hard and having a hard time staying asleep once in bed. He's also graduated from the infant carrier seat to a "big boy's" car seat, which means that he's exceeded that 20 lbs. limit for the carrier. At 5 months. He's a beast.

Other than that, all is quiet and well. Obviously, we'll wait until July 16 or thereabouts before we update the site with Caleb's stats and photos. In the mean time, we hope you enjoy what we've done here.

Find any broken links or have ideas for better presenting the site? If Miyo knows how to fix it, she will, so let us know.

Thanks everyone for checking in, and take care!

Miyo and Roger

Click here to see the latest photos! UPDATED!

Read about Caleb's stats and milestones in his fifth month. NEW!

Caleb's achievements during his fourth month. NEW!

What the little monster's been up to in month three. NEW!

What he did at two months old. NEW!

His stats and information for the first month.

Read about Caleb's Uncle Kaoru and Aunt Diana's visit to see him.

What happened at home and in the hospital during the first few weeks of Caleb's life.

For you Sadists: The birth story.

This will jump you to the Web site we kept during Miyo's pregnancy.

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