How the little nip
came into the world

Caleb Ryu Wratten was born on December 16, 2003 at 7:27 p.m. at Rome Memorial Hospital. He weighed in at 8 lbs. 14 oz. The whole story starts on a dark and stormy night ...

Well, not really, but not far off either. We drove in to the hospital On December15 (a Monday), which was a slippery drive in -- a Nor'easter was working its way into our area and driving was a little touchy. We were both nervous as I was having labor induced and we weren't sure how things were going to turn out ... would I be able to have the baby naturally, or would it all end up with the dreaded cesarian section?

The doctors were worried about letting Miyo go past her due date, as the baby was measuring on the big side. The concern was that the baby would reach such a size that no matter what, she would have to have the baby delivered by c-section. The doctors felt that chances for natural delivery were best if labor were to be induced no later than the due date. Because she was so damn sick of being pregnant Miyo agreed to the procedure.

We got to the hospital OK, checked in, got hooked up to monitors ... and found out that Miyo was already having contractions! The nurses seemed surprised she wasn't feeling any of them, as we guess they were already pretty strong. They started the process of inducing labor anyway. Roger kept Miyo company as she was poked and prodded, hooked up to monitors and made generally uncomfortable.

After buying her a dinner of a hamburger from a fast-food joint, Roger went home to get some rest before the big day. Miyo tried to get some sleep but pretty much didn't. She refused any sleeping pills, just didn't want them. At about 3 a.m., she rolled over in bed and her waters broke! Not really knowing what was going on, she called the nurse over and asked if that's what it was ... yes, it was, and on Miyo's request, Roger was called in. The fun was to begin!

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