The Fourth Month

This was the first month in which Caleb reached a LOT of milestones! He did a lot of growing, physically and developmentally in this month. We had a hard time keeping up with everything. Some stuff, like his being able to sit and play in the "Exersaucer," caught us by surprise!

Here are some of Caleb's stats and milestones for the month:

Weight: 18 lbs 2 oz. (97th percentile again!)
We put Caleb in his Exersaucer just for kicks, not expecting him to be able to stay in it long ... he not only stayed in it for a good half hour, he had a ball. We were surprised, and relieved! That thing buys us some free time!
Another big achievement: First solids!!! Started with carrots (allergic), then peas (also allergic). Hated rice cereal. Lots of fun for all!
Definitely rolls over from back to side. Also rolls from back to front a little later in the month, and has TWICE rolled from front to back.
Has started using his hands more. Everything he does manage to pick up finds its way into his mouth. Which leads us to ...
Definite signs of teething! Drools, fusses, chews on hands.
Has found his feet and just loves to play with his toes!
Holds head up at 90 degrees for longer periods of time than before.
SQUIRMS! Out of car seats, when he wants to be left alone to play with his toys etc. Definitely has a stubborn streak! UH-OH!

Photo gallery.
Read about the first couple of days at home.

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