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Black Book
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August 18th, 2003;

Official guild site established; stay tuned for additional information, and updates.

August 19th, 2003;

Added some wicked music to the site from Final Fantasy 2.  Enjoy ;)

August 21st, 2003;

HIMMEL STAY!" ..  What was this all about?  Did Himmel really kill a playerkiller, and she was going to get banned for it?  Or was this all just a game to life Kazordoon spirits ..?  See the pic below for additional information.  ;)
[ Poll ] Was Himmel really being banished from Kazordoon?  Please don't vote multiple times.
As you can see, we encircled Petros so he couldn't move.  Why?  So he couldn't run around and away from us.
A pic of IRT ..  What are they planning to do with Himmel?
Soulies isn't a dwarf?  ..  And Che insulted her ..  Why is this happening?  Has IRT gone mad with power?
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