She grew up raised as a younger sister, a girl taken for granted but never forgotten. She was there when Taru first arrived, and when she saw him, a little bit of her fell in love. Not in the way she loved Reika- that was mindless devotion. This was something sweeter, and softer.

She was there worrying right next to him when Reika didn’t return.

Like a little mother, she was there to comfort others when days turned into months.

And when Reika returned, she was the first to notice the subtle shift in the air, the first to run down and hug her idol.

“Woah, kid.” Reika was exhausted, but she smiled for the young girl. “I missed you too.” She said fondly.

“You going to stay, now?” she asked, hopeful and Reika nodded, smiling brightly.

“Of course.” She said simply. “I wouldn’t leave for the world.”

Except that was a lie as well.

When Reika returned again, My Bian Cara was older. She wasn’t necessarily wiser, but she had changed as well.

She grew to love Taru, to the same fierceness as she loved Reika, but for different reasons.

She also grew to be repressed. She was the only shape shifter who couldn’t shift, and that would cause problems for anyone.

She was fourteen years old when Reika returned, fiercely protective over her own secrets and also growing. Maturing. Some boys noticed, others didn’t and the one she wanted to be noticed by, only saw her as a younger sister.

Still, she was happy with that sort of attention.

“Cara, mia.” Reika smiled, sliding off the back of the Harvest Moon Queen with a smile. “Miss me?”

She smiled, but it was a tight smile. “You said you wouldn’t leave again.” She accused.

Reika’s smile fell, but it hardened, grew stronger. “I’m sorry.” She said honestly. “It wasn’t supposed to happen.”

Tsukihikaruth watched the young Vietnamese girl with a smile. ‘She’s…’ she started.

‘I know.’ Reika answered back. ‘I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that.’

The Fira nodded her head, proudly posing for the rest of the inhabitants while keeping an eye on the peculiar young girl. ‘I agree’ she said simply. ‘Now why don’t you show me this Taru of yours?’

Reika stayed for long enough that My Bian Cara was sure that she would keep her promise.

Two years had passed, and in that time she relaxed a bit, reattached herself to her idol and even to the odd Harvest Moon Queen that had captured Reika’s heart.

And then, the Harvest Moon Queen began to glow.

And with a sinking sensation, My Bian Cara knew that her idol was going to leave her again.

At Sixteen years old, that’s where we pick up her story.

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