Years went by in her mind, but only seconds passed and Bian watched, sickly fascinated as shadows began to creep out from the corners.

“You are surrounded.” The man said calmly. “If you try to run, all that it will lead to is a scene. But we’ll get you, in the end.”

Taru looked for a way out, edgy. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” He said calmly, almost cheerfully. Turning towards My Bian Cara, he whispered. “The river. Jump for it and swim until the other side.”

Bian shook her head. “I’m not leaving you.”

Taru looked exasperated. “This isn’t a time to grow a nerve.” He said.

The men, instead of watching them squabble used this opportunity to get closer, and before Taru could open his mouth again, something sharp and stinging landed on his… well, ass.

My Bian watched, horrified as his eyes took a glazed expression and he frowned. “Why didn’t they aim for you first?” his words came out a thick drawl.

“Because they know I can’t stop them.” She whispered. He fell against her, and she supported his weight with her arms, scared and a bit nervous at the same time. “Taru…Taru…”

“Move in, we’ve secured the prey.” Came a crackle, and Bian looked up.

No, no. She had been having such a good time. She could have almost forgotten that Taru loved Reika, that she was not part of the mix and…

Reika. Reika! Reika would kill her if she knew what had happened.

And Taru… no, dammit. Not yet.

Her eyes flashed a sudden gold, and they watched as something liquid broke inside her.

She had forgotten just how good it felt to shift.

“Shit! I thought you told me she was contained!” someone yelled.

“She’s never done this before, dammit!” someone yelled back. Ah, the man who had identified her.

She didn’t attack. She was too desperate to do something so suicidal, and instead, dragging at Taru’s body she leapt into the river.

“Well, if the poison in there doesn’t kill them..” some ones voice came.

“We’ve lost them.” Came another.

Bian wasn’t listening, any more though. She was swimming deep into the cresspit, low so that even the white shine of her fur couldn’t be soon. Paddling quickly and trying hard not to swim to the surface, she used a paw to block off Taru’s breathing supply.

She didn’t want him to inhale the gunk.

Take him…take him somewhere! Swimming in vain for cleaner waters and not knowing just exactly where they were head, she just kept on pushing, rising every once and a while to give both of them air, but disappearing again.


“Dammit, wake up! I don’t know how to get us home and…” she shook him, wondering why he wasn’t waking up. “I can’t lose you, not yet. Reika will kill me and…” she sniffled. “I love you too much to let you die under my watch.” She muttered, her voice hoarse. She was tired, exhausted.

She had managed to drag them up a hidden nook, covered in the slime and gunk of the rivers (she was horrified with what these people chuckled into the water!) and in the shadows. It was night time, but she had shifted far enough that she didn’t feel the cold.

“You need to wake up, and get us home before they find us.” She said desperately. “I don’t know what to do, and… and…” she sniffled again. Dammit, why now?

“I don’t want to lose you either. Not yet.”

It was getting cool, though, and she could detect a faint temor in his outline. Worried sick that he might freeze to death (or something like it), she wrapped her long, elongated form around him, the thick white fur acting as a layer of warmth.

She was so tired, and yet…

“Wake up.” She said fiercely. “I need to---“

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