When she woke up again, she was in a bed and in human form. She knew she was in human form because her jaw ached, as if it had been elongated for too long. And because Reika was looking down at her with a small smile on her face.

“Wake up, sleepy head.” She heard the relief so evident in her voice, and the exhaustion in her eyes.

“Where…” frowning, she got up and felt her muscles scream in protest.

“Lie down for a while longer. They told me how hard you worked.”


Jamine peeped over the side of the bed, and smiled. “So our little hero is awake, then.”

Bian looked away, blushing in shame. “It’s my fault.” She said morosely.

Jamine smiled. “No it’s not, sweet heart. When you didn’t come back in time, we worried sick about it and a small division headed back to earth. It wasn’t hard to find you, and by the time we did the soldiers hadn’t gotten to you yet, either.” She placed a palm on Bian’s forehead. “You saved Taru, My Bian Cara.”

Bian blinked. “Is he okay, then?” she asked.

Reika laughed. “A bit stupid to get a tranquilizer in his butt.” She remarked. “But he’s no worse for wear. He’s the one who managed to bring our attention around. He was only sleeping, really.”

As logic and coherence returned, Bian looked up. “Sleeping?” The words she had said came back down, and her eyes widened. He couldn’t remember… could he? “Reika, what are you doing here? Has the clutch hatched?”

Her voice sounded so hopeful that Reika laughed. “Kid, I’m going to be gone for a while longer.” She said affectionately. “Shy told me that both of you were missing.” Not to mention she had known in her heart of hearts that something bad had happened to her loved one. “And so I’m back for a while, to make sure you’re safe.” And to take her back, if possible.

Bian nodded, relaxing. “I’m glad.” She said simply, a bit drowsy. It must have been apparent, because Reika got up, patting Bian’s hand.

“Rest, sweet heart.” She said. “I’ll talk to you when you’re better.”


It wasn’t only exhaustion that played a role in Bian’s mind, but the fact that she had shifted for the first time in so long. She reveled in the new form, the joy of it and the power, but she didn’t know any more. Drifting between sleep and awake, she didn’t know how much time had passed when she saw Taru standing by the door.

“Hey, you awake now?” he said gently, walking forewords.

Bian nodded, uncomfortable. This was the first time he had come to her, and she wondered if…

“There’s something I want to talk to you about.” He said, uncomfortable.

Bian tried to hurriedly fill the gaps. “I’m glad you’re awake.” She babbled. “I was growing desperate, when you didn’t and I said all sorts of thing to get you to wake up.” She started.

Taru smiled, and sat next to her. “Bian.” He said simply. Secret. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and…” he looked uncomfortable. “I think of you as Reika’s younger sister.”

Bian nodded, looking away and feeling her face heat up with embarrassment. “I know.” She whispered. She didn’t try to deny it any more. After all, wasn’t this what she had wanted so badly?

“And… I want you to know, I do care for you, but…”

Bian smiled, but it was sad. “Things aren’t going to be the same, are they?” she whispered.

“I hope, that they will be.” He returned. “It’s just that… I think, for at least a while, it might be uncomfortable.”

Bian nodded, and she was…

“Fine.” She said numbly.

Maybe sleep would make everything better.

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