Midwest World War Historical Society (MWWWHS)
Lancaster, Wisconsin

WWII Weekend March 13th - 14th, 2004 � Schedule of Events.
Sponsored by Easy Company 506th PIR, HRS Inc.

NOTE: Pre-registration will be mandatory - Due No Later Then February 28th, 2004!
Registration will be limited to 60 participants MAXIMUM - PLEASE get your registration and $10.00 dollar battle fee in as there will be no registration at the gate!

Click here for registrations forms

There will be a required $10.00 dollar battle fee charged (includes battle fees and dinner Saturday night) at events to cover the cost of provided meals, and  maintenance of the site.

For More Information Please contact Dave Hartmann: 608-943-8458

Schedule of Events:

Saturday March 13th
1200 Hours - Begin To Arrive and Set Up.
1700 Hours - Dinner served - Bring Mess Tins and Eating Utensils.
1830 Hours - Safety Inspections.      
1900 Hours - Combat operations begin.

Sunday March 14th
  0001 Hours - Combat and patrols may continue.
1200 Hours - All combat operations will cease.

Event Scenario-
It is early spring 1945 - The allies have turned back the last major Germen Counter offensive in the Ardennes Forest, much of the territory taken in the beginning of the war has been lost and the allies are closing in on Germany itself.  Now the Germans are withdrawing to organizing a last defensive stand to stop the allied advance into Germany.

The Germans will be positioned in the trench at the start of combat.  Their objectives will be to:

1. Patrol/Probe Allied Positions - Take Prisoners
2. Repel Allied Attacks - Hold German Defensive Lines.
3. Attack and Destroy the Allied Armed Forces.

The Allies will hold the command post by the old barnyard ruins.  The Allied objectives will be the following:
1. Patrol/Probe German Position - Take Prisoners.
2. Attack and Destroy German Armed Forces.

In the event that either side should capture the others command post combat will continue until 1200 hours.  The units will reorganize and try to take back what they have lost.

Command Structure-
Commanders for both sides will be determined before combat begins.  The commanders will be picked based on experience, event coordinators will not be in command of any units or in overall command of either side.  These commanders and their staff (Command staff members will be picked by the commander) will be in charge of all units and make tactical combat decisions based on information turned in from the recon patrols and/or interrogation of captured enemies.  These orders will be passed down to the individual unit/squad leaders who will carry out theses orders and engage the enemy with their unit/squad.

-Rules of Engagement-
The battles will not be scripted they will be tactical type engagements.  Combat operations will begin at 1900 Hours and continue non-stop until 1200 Hours the next day

Patrols:  Patrols will be sent out at the commander�s discretion to probe enemy positions, and capture prisoners.   Prisoners may be taken on the patrols.  If you are captured on a patrol you will be brought back to the enemy command post for search and interrogation, and will be held for no more then one hour.  After that you will be released and allowed to return to your unit.  Note: Before removing any of the equipment and or weapon from a captured prisoner ASK FIRST PLEASE!

Combat/Attacks:  Either side may attack the other at any given time during the event.

Hits:  We will not have judges at these events but we would like to avoid the �I shot you first syndrome�.  It is not hard to know when you would have been hit. 

General rules regarding hits-
Grenades: Detonation of a grenade with in ten feet will count as a hit to all individuals in the vicinity.
Light Machinegun (aka: MG42/34, etc.):  If you are caught in the open and take fire with in 50 yards you are hit.  Example:     
    You are on patrol come across an MG position and they see you first and shoot, and there is nowhere to take cover you are dead.
. Rifle: To be hit from rifle fire you must see the enemy shoot you.  Example: if you are looking up the hill and see the enemy 
    look  at you, aim and pull the trigger you are hit.  This goes for all regardless of the weapon you are carrying, yes a GI with an 
    M1 Garand can kill a German with an MG42/34.

When Hit-
Patrols: When hit you will fall down and lay there until a medic comes to your aid, after treatment from the medic you will return to your collection point.  If no medics are present you will take off you helmet and return to your collection point and wait for your patrol to return.  If hit on patrol you are out of action for the rest of that patrol.

Combat/Attacks:  If hit during an offensive attack you will fall down and lay there until a medic comes to your aid, after treatment from the medic you will return to your collection point.  If no medics are present you will take off your helmet and return to your collection point immediately.  After returning to your collection point you may rejoin your unit/squad and resume combat.

If hit during a
defensive operation fall down and lay there until a medic comes to your aid, after treatment from the medic you will wait 10 minutes before resuming combat.  If no medics are present you will take off your helmet and wait the 10 minutes before you may return to your squad and resume combat.

Medics:  Unfortunately regardless of what the Geneva Convention says combat medics are not immune to bullets, bombs, gas, or nuclear detonation.  The rule regarding hits applies to people reenacting combat medical personal also.
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