Team Skins
These skins are to be worn AT ALL TIMES by team MXG members in all MCM 2 tourney's.
To use Skins: Right click on skin, select save as, and save it to your desktop. Then open the skin in your paint shop, and save it in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\MCM2\Bikes (or Rider) as a .tga  Also, don't change the name of the skin, otherwise people won't be able to see it in the game... :-)
Rider Skins Edition 1 by MXG_Juice_7  (Click on 1 skin to download all 4
Bike Skins by MXG_Lethal
Rider Skins Edition 2 by MXG_Juice_7
Rider Skins Edition 3 by MXG_Lethal
All skins are copyright � Team - All rights reserved.
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