Thanx for visiting. Below are Several Pictures with description of my "Aeroponic" growing box. I used the directions from the "HOW-TO-HYDROPONICS" book that I ordered from, as well as alot of help from the OG website. In particular I would like to thank Highgrade and all of the information he has posted regarding his bubblers. I modified my aerobox into a quazi-bubbler because I felt that the original design was for plants that do not grow quite as rapidly as the ones that I will be growing. If you have any questions that I do not answer below, please contact me HERE and I'll try and point you in the right direction. I will add as much information about parts sourcing as I can below (some of the parts are homemade) and the rest you will have to rely on your own ingenuity.

First off we have a frontal view to get the full lay of the land. The case is 22 inches tall 30 inches wide and 18 inches front to back and I believe it holds like 40-50 gallons.


Here are some shots of the modifications that I made. Initially the design did not call for any additional oxygen to be pumped into the chamber. However, I decided (in my not-so-infinate wisdom) to add two air pumps. One supplies air to the two 9 inch airstone that I have placed at 1/3 and 2/3 through the width of the box. The other supplies the powerhead that I have stuck on the inside of the box. It blows 100 gallons per hour around, and I have attached the air tube to the exhaust port so It can blow bubbles all around the inside of the box. The bottom three pictures with the box full of water shows how the box bubbles without the pump on to inhibit your view.

These pictures show how the Rio 1100 submersible pump (, $30.00 with that huge filter) and the 8 sprinkler heads (, 10 for $5.95. Be carefull they break easily when overtightened) work together to send the water where it is needed the most, spaying allo over the roots. The pump comes with all sorts of attachments, most of which you will have no use for. But one thing I chose to use is a ball valve fitting for the discharge end. I use the valve to reduce the pressure so that I don't blow the roots to bits, a nice soft shower should be fine. Incidentally, the plans call for a cycle timer. One minute pump on, four minutes pump off. What do you think, why can't I just leave it on full time 24/7?

Here is a shot of the sprayers hitting the bottom 1/2 inch of one of the cups. I only cut out holes big enough for solo 16 ouce cups. I am hoping to use only enough medium to keep the girls upright.

I ran the spray manifold through both ends of the box for both stability and, for the drain. A simple 90 degree fitting will suffice and I will probably add a ball valve fitting to curtail the possiblity of inadvertant draining.

So that's it, If you do or do not like it I would like some feedback. I am figuring that I can use the GH nutrients and thier PH up/down and will try the Pro-Tekt silicon root protection solution and change out the entire solution bath every ten or twelve days. If you have any suggestions or comments at all please send 'em my way, I dig constructive criticism.

Some sites that I have found to be full of great information for botanists are



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